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Ghinarian Hills/Stonehell Session Accounts


Edited 1676715909
Campaign Blog Page (NSFW) 13/12/4451 BCCC: Hytirus Vex returns to Selatine with Ralluan mercenaries and conquers the village, exiling his sister Jana Vex, and killing or enslaving her followers. AD 2022 = 4452 BCCC M1-3: Set on revenge, Jana Vex trains in martial arts with the monks of Sun Soul Spire. M3: The dying Archmage Dyson Logos, knowing he has only a few weeks remaining, retires from Hara to the Earth Womb beneath Dyson's Delve, "to sleep until Nerath has need of him again". Wilderlands 4452 BCCC Session Accounts Session 1  18-19/M4: Bright Star & co investigate rumours of ogres returned to Erdea Manor. Session 1 18-19/4/4452 (200 XP each PC) - by Keelia Meet up with a new group to investigate the return of ogres to the Erdea Manor, setting off before dawn. Party = Bright Star, Maglor, Aella & Tachys, Arnulf, Talaktakan, Brown Eye, and Jana Vex. On the path up from the coastal plain, near the Pan Head Statue, they met with Magdra the witch and her fox companion, who alerted them to the return of ogres to the manor, and relayed that she believed the ogres were worse than before and were perhaps led by something evil. She offered the group 6 healing potions, which Star shared out amongst the group.  Bright Star gives Maglor some additional sneaking items she had purchased - Boots and Cloak of Elvenkind. The group creeps up and Maglor spots a crack and a someone watching through it. The group discusses tactics and it is decided that the stealthy pair will move up to the side of the building while Aella volunteered to attempt to take the shot. However, before they were able to enact their plan, the Ogre Wife called the ogres out for dinner, forcing the group to attack before they had gotten into place. One by one the Ogres dropped until the group was victorious.  They poke around and find gold (320 gp) and gems (Blue Star Sapphire w.1100, Obsidian w.11, Tourmaline w.100g) After that Aella sends Tachys to investigate the last building, drawing out a warg, which Maglor kills in one blow, though more beasts are drawn forward by the warg's warning howl. The second one falls to Maglor yet again. Bright Star finds a hidden door, which reveals an old armoury.  Eventually ogres with a Chief, a crimson tusked ogre, and a Great Wolf ascend from the manor's ruins and are the group engages in battle. The warg/Wolf falls first, and other ogres fall with Talaktakan's wand of fireball, until the ogres start to flee.  Note: at end of game - Top of the round, Arnulf is raging and berserker, Jana has sacred flame, Maglor has his blade ready, Tachys has claw attack ready ... 
XP: 4 half ogres 800, 5 ogre thugs 3500, 2 worgs 200, fang of the great wolf worg 700 = 5200 Arnulf, Talakakan, Maglor, 1/2 Jana, Bright Star, Aella, 1/2 Browneye = 6 shares 866 or 433 each + 200 session account = 1066 each Arnulf, Talakakan, Maglor Bright Star, Aella, 633 each Jana & Brown-Eye

Edited 1645258133
Bright Star's journal --------------------- <18-Feb > It has been a long journey back to the once familiar lands around Selatine. It was a place I had not thought I would return to, yet the news had reached me of the fate of some of my companions and the lands I once walked. My companion, once the landed gentry, Lady Vex, had troubles with her family. The rumour which reached me is that her brother, Hytirus and a band of mercenaries overtook Selatine last year and killed Lady Vex's best warriors, enslaved poor Dr Rosa and exiled Lady Vex. She had found sanctuary at a Mitraic monastery, Sun Soul Spire, in the Ghinarian Hills and was considering returning after having learned some new skills. Futher to that, Saera, my Amazon friend that with her kin guards the Lighthouse of St Ulther has written to me of her concerns of the growing darkness and that Stonehell, while guarded by Laara Greywolf with the Crown of Crystal Mind against the madness of Nixthisis, seems to once more be plagued with trouble.  After receiving this news, I decided to cut my travels short and see if I could offer assistance to my old friends. Upon reaching these once familiar lands, I was unfortunately greeted with rain. Having been travelling in the sun-drenched lands of my people, this was not the preferred weather but I knew the lands well enough to have packed a waterproof cloak. And with a spot of luck, I came across a stranger selling some gems of good quality. It was a quick trade of gold for gems that left both parties satisfied, and with my mood buoyed by the purchase, I made my way to Goat's Head Inn to look for Saera as the Vex Hall was not an option. Upon arriving at the Goat's Head Inn, Saera was kind enough to move a table for me into what passed for sunshine if one ignored the rain and informed me that Lady Vex, simply called Jana now, was also staying at the Inn. Aside from the Amazons, whom I had expected, including Clenderi who was Saera's commander, I also noticed the gem-selling stranger, later introduced to me as Maglor, had also arrived at the Inn and showed interest in Stonehell. As expected in such a place, there were others of interest, such as a Sea Wolf Barbarian, later introduced as Arnulf, and a voice I recognised but a masked face I did not, that I later came to understand was Talaktakan hiding behind the mask, still with his snake companions. I had once adventured with him in the area, and I had understood he had remained here, so seeing him was no surprise. I was not surprised or bothered by the Kobolds but they did remind me of Mreggle, my goblin friend, and I wondered after his health and family.  After catching up with Jana and Saera, and having a chat with Maglor, with whom I felt a kindred spirit of light feet and quick fingers and his rather his mangled pronunciation of Tabaxian, I was also introduced to Aella, a youngling whose mother had been murdered and needed an outlet and distraction for her grief, and her animal companion Tachys. Griffins, I can admit to the privacy of my journal, are confusing things. Are they cat or bird? Companion hunter or very large prey? Still, the youngling controls it, though hopefully better than her concerning words about it eating Saera's horse implies.  Clenderi requested a group to go and investigate some ogres causing trouble at Erdea Manor. As I had once cleared them out from that exact manor before, I, of course, volunteered. As I had expected and hoped, Maglor also joined, along with the aforementioned Arnulf, Aella, my friend Jana, who wished to grow her claws, and Talaktakan, who like me, had history in trying to keep the darkness controlled in these lands. We set out upon the morning to the manor and to my surprise, as we were travelling up from the coastal plain, at the giant Pan Head statue, we bumped into a familiar Familiar, the witch Magdra's white fox and just behind. Magdra, who I had once rescued from Ogres, passed along her concerns at the return of the ogres to the Manor and her feeling that they were led by something evil. I soothed her worries the best I could by stating we were going to deal with the problem of the ogres now and I would stop by and let her know once we have solved the problem. In thanks and support, she gave us six healing potions which I shared out amongst the group.  Once we reached the outskirts of the Manor's lands, we had Aella land and Maglor and I went up and scouted the area. I had previously purchased some extra gear which Maglor could benefit from, so I gave them to him to help ensure his feet remained soft and his shadow overlooked. Maglor managed to spot a watcher from one of the houses and we returned to the group to decide upon a plan, although to my surprise, we had an additional companion, Brown-Eye, with whom I had also travelled before, had caught up and was joining us. After some discussion, we decided that myself and Maglor will move up to the side of the building while Aella volunteered to attempt to take the shot at the watching eye and the others would be ready to charge up if she missed. However, before we were able to enact our plan, a female Ogre called the ogres out for dinner. With little option, we were forced to attack before we had gotten into position, so there was a slightly scramble to try to keep control of the battle. However, with our combined skills, one by one the ogres dropped until we were victorious.  We searched around and to my heart's joy, I found several shiny gems and some less interesting gold. Brown-Eye also found some gold - between us 320 pieces. The gold and gems - a very lovely Blue Star Sapphire, a common Tourmaline, and a small Obsidian - went into my bag along with the gold to be divided out later amongst the party. Once we were certain the outbuildings were clear, through the memory of the smell will haunt my nose for some time, Aella sent her griffin in to investigate the last building with it's keen eyes. This ended up drawing out a watch warg which Maglor killed with a single shot. More beasts and ogres were drawn out by the warning howls and a second beast fells to Maglor once again. Concerned that we were giving the ogres more time to prepare, I snuck in and found a secret door, which led to an old armoury and another secret door behind which I could hear the ogres preparing, so I signalled to my companions that we needed to attack before they could sort themselves. Arnulf strode in bravely and engaged in battle with a group of ogres, including a Chief and a crimson tucked ogre, along with a Great Wolf warg. Between the group, using arrows and blades, the Great Wolf feel first, then Talaktakan decided to use his wand of fireball twice over, which killed some and caused the other ogres to start to flee, though at this point Arnulf was blood poisoned into a berserker rage. I understand that this is not uncommon for barbarians such as he, but something of a problem that needed to be handled.  <End of session>
Inspiration to Bright Star!

Edited 1645441154
GM note: Bright Star remembers evenings chatting with Dr Rosa back in Selatine over a glass of warm milk. Centuries ago (ca 4000 BCCC) the expansionist Kale Hegemony came to power amongst the Vrilya and launched a campaign to conquer the surface world, but were eventually defeated by the heroic knights of Nerath, the noble Erde clan prominent amongst them. However in the aftermath of the wars it's said the Erde became obsessed with the fell secrets of Vrilya sorcery, and gradually degenerated until by the time of White Ruin and the Fall of Nerath (ca 4200 BCCC) they had been reduced to just a few mad eccentrics dwelling in the ruins of their former glory. According to Dr Rosa, Nerath legends say the Vrilya demagogue Kale was a follower of the accursed Philosophers - those who put Science and Reason above Magic and Superstition. Naturally when he debated with the blessed St Ulther, he was thoroughly trounced.
<4-Mar - session continued> About this time, Tuzhnamatatay - a warrior mostly unfamiliar to me but apparently known to both Brown-Eye and Talaktakan - joined us, having heard of the plan to clear out the ogres and had come to offer her axe to the effort. I had seen her recently at the Inn and knew of her by reputation from other Stonehell veterans, so was comfortable in leaving her with the others. When the ogres began to flee, Maglor had reopened the secret door just a little and was attacking from there with Jana as backup so I moved to support my companions there and took out a warg.  Whilst in the secret room, I felt my fur lift, the same as when I encounter magical traps. Having been in the room before, I knew it was no magical trap and instead I was certain magic had or was happening nearby. Seeing nothing amiss, I shared the information with those nearest me but we could only focus on the battle as Arnulf's blood poisoning blinded him to friend or foe and he turned on Talaktakan and they traded equal blows.  Maglor and I both heard a mechanical noise, some sort of heavy clunk, as the ogres retreated. Maglor volunteered to take point and gave chase towards the stairs the ogres had retreated down, but paused and pressed himself against the wall as he signed to me in specialist guild sign that he heard strange giggling on the other side of the doorway down the stairs the ogres had fled. Jana murmured her confusion over his signs and I responded for her to stay near me as there was trouble ahead.  Tuzhnamatatay dodged around the battle between Arnulf and Talaktakan and joined Maglor by the stairs only to be attacked by two Quasits, whose summons had apparently been the source of the magic I had felt. Though they bit at her, they quickly pulled back making noises of disgust, so it can only be assumed she has some sort of natural defence. I admit to some jealousy as I had been attacked by such creatures before. Regardless, I remembered Quasits, and not fondly, from the last time I was here, so I attacked and destroyed one. Brown-Eye slipped out from the shadows and destroyed the other, much to my relief. While Aella joined Jana and myself in the secret room, I could hear Aella's Tachys join Talaktakan in trying to subdue Arnulf and from the commentary, it seemed the Griffin was being more successful in the endeavour, however, the berserker then turned on the Griffin and dealt a heavy blow, despite Talaktakan's efforts to keep his attention.  Whilst we were otherwise distracted, Maglor continued to take point and follow the ogres. As I was distracted and had forgot to warn him that there may be traps as per the last time I was here, he accidentally set off the sleeping gas trap, knocking himself out. Some of us who were not subduing Arnulf gathered with range weapons to guard Maglor until the gas cleared; others, like Brown-Eye, went to keep watch down the other hall. Once the gas cleared, I went to disable the trap while Tuzhnamatatay woke Maglor.  Meanwhile, Arnulf was finally subdued and Talatakan revived him with a potion once the blood poisoning had worn off. We took a short rest to deal with the various injuries we had sustained before we continued forward on our task. This time I took point, following the ogres' trail, and upon encountering a single one, lured it back to the group to destroy before we continued forward.  As we explored the lower level, following various tracks, Maglor and I each chose a different northern hall way to quickly explore. He headed east and signally there may be an ogre behind a door shortly down the hall. I headed west and found Troglodyte tracks. As I signalled in guild sign to Maglor, one of the Trogs came around the corner and started making aggressive-defensive signs but as it did not attack, I waited until Talaktakan moved up and spoke with it.  Since I do not speak or understand serpent-speech, I had to wait until the conversation was concluded to be informed that Talaktakan had convinced them to become additional minions for his cult, but they were willing to draw us a map of the areas that they knew. We settled down to watch for attacks while the map was arranged.  <End of session>
Having met the lizard-folk known as Japachi upstairs, where I came to understand he was known to Brown-Eye and Tuzhnamatatay and Talaktakan, we moved to the main hall space downstairs to await Talaktakan to conclude the discussions with the Troglodytes elsewhere. Japachi was only just being introduced to us when some Ogres charged in and attacked. Aella was the first to respond to the attack, striking at the Chief Ogre, who called himself Groik. Tuzhnamatatay struck at him with some cursed magic before Groik charged towards us. From nearby, Jana threw sunbolts in our aid.  A tusked crimson ogre charged into the room and sprayed the room with blood, which had a most disquieting affect as most of our party, as well as the Ogre Chief, were poisoned into a berserker rage, like we had seen with Arnulf. Though this time Arnulf, Maglor, and myself were able to resist the poisonous effect. The rest turned upon each other, striking at whoever was nearest to them, with rage-clouded vision.  Those of us that were clear headed targeted the Ogres first. Maglor struck out at the Ogre Chief and Arnulf struck at the Crimson ogre, who caused this situation.  In the distance, barely audible above the berserker shouts, I could near Talaktakan engaging with a Worg and the ogre Vera, whom we had failed to locate here many years ago, but his battle was invisible to me.  Like Maglor, I targeted the Chief in hopes for us to clear the room so we could then focus on saving our friends, but seeing the blind fury of those allies around me, I knew I would be of no use if I was brought down by the combined fury of our allies and enemies, so I retreated to re-evaluate the situation and check on my healing potion stash. Japachi and Tachys and Jana tore at each other. Aella had focused on the Crimson Orge, trading blows with it. Tuzhnamatatay struck the killing blow on the Ogre Chief and turned on Maglor, thankfully missing him. I lost sight of Japachi as Tachys struck a downing blow to Jana.  Another ogre, some thuggish brute, threw some attacks at Maglor, again missing him, and both retreated - Maglor past me upstairs and the thuggish ogre around a corner out of my sight.  I struck at the Crimson ogre, my bolt landing moment before Arnulf's own blow, Aella's crazed strike, and Tuzhnamatatay's killing blow. She then turned wildly on Arnulf.  I could see Japachi appear again on the battlefield, striking at Aella moments before Tachys drops his rider dying to the floor before lunging at Arnulf. With no choice, I put a bolt into the Griffin sending it crashing to the ground, losing track of the lizard-folk.  Arnulf disappeared down a hallway to some other distant battle, leaving our remaining crazed allies to strike at the dead bodies around them, and me to try to work out how to safely stop them until the thuggish ogre returned and drew Tuzhnamatatay's attention down the hall as the rage drove her to give chase   Using the opportunity, Maglor and I snuck out and revived Jana and Aella, who revived Tachys. I could hear Arnulf's roar and the high pitched celebrating barking of the Trogs, so I assumed Talaktakan and Arnulf were otherwise victorious.  Maglor, having located Japachi, prepared to attack and I joined him, sneaking up so we could quickly put him down. I landed the disabling blow and then revived him with a potion before quickly returning to the other room just in time to see Jana drop Tuzhnamatatay then bring her back to her feet with a healing word. After such excitement, it was decided to have a short rest. I tentatively approached the lizard-folk, who seemed to wish to befriend Maglor, but my initial connection seemed to be too much for the other so soon after being struck down, so I went to explore instead.  Finding a secret door, I set forth to explore, with Japachi at my tail, the others still recovering from their rage lingered in the main hall. The pair of us found an abandoned giant's weasel's nest in an old alchemical lab and the size of the prints concerned me greatly. The only thing of interest in the room was a mixing pestle, all else being destroyed, so I pocketed it and continued to explore. Somewhat distracted by the tracks upon the ground, I rounded a corner to bump into a pair of weasels. Knowing fighting alone would not be ideal, I retreated and was unsurprised when they gave chase. I warned Japachi to follow, and the lizard folk followed me into the room and prepared to strike as I warned the others.  Japachi struck one of the weasels and retreated but it chased him and attacked, pinning him so he could not run while a third entered the room. I struck at one weasel and retreated out the door to clear the path for our other allies to have room to join the fight. Talaktakan entered the room moments after I exited and struck at the weasel grappling Japachi, killing it and freeing him. Before the rest of us could react, the other weasel in the room grabs Jana and runs off with her, leaving her cries for assistance echoing behind her. Maglor was first to react, giving chase and killing one as Aella and Tachys charged towards the sounds of Jana's shouts, as did Arnulf.  Jana was able to break herself free and rushed back towards us. I sent her back towards the others as we passed in the hall and my bolt struck the killing blow on the final weasel.  While the others decided to skin the weasels, I suggested to Jana she go sit with Tuzhnamatatay to catch her breath and recover from the ordeal while I investigated with Arnulf.  We found a large button like object that when Arnulf pushed, my fur stood upon end and I cast my eyes around for the cause, spotting a strange creature hovering behind Arnulf. He turned and struck it and it disappeared with a pop that was more felt than heard. After some experimentation, I realised these were harmless Unseen Servants and we let the others know about them, so soon we were all accompanied by the invisible helpers, which we put to work clearing out a room where we could bar the doors and rest overnight, bring Tuzhnamatatay and Jana back to sit with us. Japachi traded a weasel-skull bowl for some crossbow bolts and seeing as we were both differently shaped than the rest of our tail-less companions, we settled in to speak a little and eat weasel meat and perhaps become friends.  <End of Session>

Edited 1651391282
We were woken from our rest by Tachys’ stomach and Aella excusing the pair of them to hunt outside in the surrounding forests. I was not happy with the youngling heading off on her own, though I raised no objection as she was not planning on going far and the Griffin could fly them to safety should something happen. While we were discussing our plans for the morning, another familiar face from the past arrived: Danor, the dwarf I had adventured with in Stonehell, brought with him a woman unfamiliar to me – a Lady Faoiltiarna - and another warrior named Stod. Concerningly, Danor bore some dream a month ago that had sent him back to these lands, which is a concern as I was not in trouble a month ago, nor am I concerned for my safety now. I did not have a chance to refer him to Talaktakan, who would likely be well placed to ascertain if the dream was valid or sent by another entity, before we were already moving forward to explore the rest of the floor while Tuzhnamatatay and Japachi decided to rest further. After re-summoning the Unseen Servants, we began our exploration in the room adjacent to the Unseen Servants, where a series of Crystal guardians animated in the room. We defeated them and found a series of books on Nerathi history & philosophy, which Maglor carefully collected. Moving further along, we found another group of Death Weasels, which we dispatched quickly and without any real injuries to our party. Scattered amongst the disgusting floors of the room in which the weasels had been resting, we found gold and gems, which we set the Unseen Servants to collecting and dropped into my bag of holding for later equal distribution. The rubies were quite lovely and I may buy them off the party, unless we find something else better later. Pity the diamond is best suited for resurrection. It would be nice to add another to my collection as my previous ones were sacrificed to resurrecting people in the past. Oddly, we also found a poison, named Midnight Tears, which Maglor took charge of keeping safe. Further exploration meant we encountered the last Ogre Thug which had previously run. After defeating it, we found a series of potions and poisons in the room as well as gold. Not as good as gems, but the party seemed happy enough. We explored further, locating secret rooms and rooms full of Shriekers, which we decided not to explore. We found little of interest, until we stumbled across a young Rust Monster. While the others retreated in fear of their armour and weapons, I calmed it and lured it back into the room from whence it came from with a handful of nails and other metal debris and left it chewing on the deposits of iron there since it was of little harm if left alone. If it became any sort of threat, we could deal with it later. Having secured the floor, my concern about letting the youngling Aella travel alone surged again and I decided to excuse myself from further explorations to check on her, offering Jana the opportunity to stay with the others or travel with me. Though my crossbow was particularly effective on this day, striking the final blow on a number of the creatures we fought, there were enough members with a variety of skills that the party should remain safe without me. <End of session>
Session 2 <May 5th> Heading down the stairs after successfully cleared the floor, the group decended the stairs below with the sneaker of the group leading the way, they found themselves in a corridor with an old blood trail leading through an arch to the north. Deciding to avoid the blood trail for now, they lock - then unlock the door to the west. Heading in first Danor found a curtain to the north, listening carefully he heard a whisper. Pulling back the curtain he found himself face to face with a minotaur! After trying unsuccessfully to cast a spell on Danor, it moved and attacked him, then misty step past Danor to his allies! Hearing the sound of more Minotaurs from the west Danor moved into the doorway to block their path and cast Fire strike to them dissuade their approach. Dispite Danors attempts to  shield the group Talaktakan decided to push past him and taunt the incoming enemies. With the rest of the group finishing off the first minotaur the incoming eneimes attacked Talaktakan unsuccessfully. Danor summoned up his spirital guard intwending to smite the wicked. Unfortunatly his attempts to protect the party prevented them from attacking the enemies. Talaktakan defeated two of the three remaining minotaurs and damaged the other with mighty blows. Lady Faoiltiarna snuck past Danor and struckthe enemy, severally wounding it. Danor moved around and attempted strike the enemy. Missing, Talaktakan struck the killing blow. The curtain that Danor had pulled back began speaking, appartently it was some meant to alert the current occupance of the dungeon. Found on the bodies of the dead minotaurs were a ring of lightening resistance and +1 chainmail armour, both of which went to Lady Faoiltiarna. Japachi found on unidentified bones which he pocketed, we found a room later of with two humaniod create nailed to the wall and a huge maul that we assumed that was used to do it. pressing on Maglor and Japachi found a chest containing 280 lb of coin, 50 lb, due to it's wieght we decided that we would return once we we are ready to leave. Pushing onwards we found a locked door that lead to a water logged corridor, deciding that we would clear the rest of the floor first so we re-locked it and pressed on. following the blood trail we encountered a giant toad. At first it didn't react to Danor's approach, but once he was close enough it lashed out witrh it's tounge and scored a critical hit, dragging him into the room where 3 other toads were wait all of whom fail to break through his armour. The rest of the group charged forward to assist him, except for Talaktakan, who saw the previously locked door open to reveal more of the humonoid creatures, one of them very large... <End of Session>

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Session 3 <May 19> In the toad room the creatures tried to pull Danor from one another - none of them successfully. except for Talaktakan who was busy fighting the deep ones behind us, the group moved up and cleared out the toads. Unfortunatly for Talaktakan the larger Deep One (an Archimarandrite) started casting lightning bolt as the smaller deep ones rushed him. As the rest of the group moved up to help Archimarandrite moved into position to fire its spells down the lenght of the corridor, hitting many of the group. Just as the first of the deep ones fell two more appeared from the southern doorway, shifting the balance of the battle back in favor of the enemy. The Archimarandrite switched tactics and started casting cone of cold. During the frenzy Maglor managed to sneak past the deep ones into a corner using invisbility and patiently waited for the right moment to strike.  After a particularly bad round of hits Talaktakan and the group had to fall back to the room with the tapestry, Japachi remained outside, instead seeing the bridge back towards the toad room. As the deep ones entered the corridor Danor cast Wall of Fire to fill the corridor with flames, unfortunatly Japachi just just in range of. Partially pushing their way into the room the deep ones avoided the fire and resumed their assault on the group. Now that they were in the room their fate was sealed as all three of the groups frontline fighters struck them down where they stood. The threat of the Archimarandrite still remained, however that was when Maglor sprung his trap launching himself from his invisible location and cutting the beast down! Japachi climbed up to the bridge and explored northwards, he found doors that reeked of decay and a flight of stairs that leaded down to the west. This turned out to be a secret door behind the tapestry room! Unfortuntly Danor wasnext to the door as it opened nd thinking that more enemies were coming he swing his hammer almost hitting Japachi who was most displeased with him. Looting the bodies a total of 3000gp worth of rubies and emeralds, a wand of detect magic and a (was tattered) chain mail of +2 Cha. Danor recrafted the chain mail into necklace for Stod and let his share of the gold be split between the other memxbers of the group. With the battle over and much of the groups resources spent it was decided to leave for now and return rather than push on. On the way out the group picked up the heavy chest in the north west that they had planned to pick up on their way out. <End of Session>
Session 4 <May 27> After spending some downtime purchasing some items (Danor bought Gauntlets of Ogre power) and giving within the group (Danor gave Japachi a pair of Boots of Springing and Striding) a handful of potions. Setting out to the manor, as they approached they were spotted by two Ogres that were inspecting a mausoleum. One the group dispached them, they decided to investigate thee mausoleum, sending Japachi in first to scout ahead. Unfortunatly as he rounded the first corner he was spoted by a group of Ghouls and a Necrophage Ghast. He was immediately paralyzed by the Necrophage Ghast and the Ghouls rushed towards him. Fortunatly he was able to break the paralysis and escape from the Ghouls attempted to surround him using a combination of jumping above them and using his cape to glide over to the exit. As the Ghouls approached the daylight spilling in from the doorway they retrested back into the safety of the mausoleums darkness. The group gave chase with Danor and Talaktakan taking the lead and Talaktakan cut down the Necrophage Ghast. As they rounded the corner the Ghouls attempted to attack Danor, only one of them was successful. Danor then moved up and used Destroy undead to wipe out the  then cut  taking the lead he. Looting the rrom the found 500sp and a +1 chain mail that causes all light sources to be suppressed within 30'. The next room contained three sarcophagus, with some trepidation, they opened the first sarcophagus a wight rose from each one  and the battle began. The first wight fell quickly dropping a longsword which we later found out was +1 longsword of Elf Bane. The next two wights fell just as quickly, with one room left they found a door which lead down to a flight of stairs leading down... <End of Session>
Session 5 <June 1> As the group reach the next floor they were set upon by four Zombie Ogres who were slow to react as the party attacked. Faoil felled two of them with her skill javalins With the room cleared Japachi discovered some kind of alter, unfortunatly none of the group was able to it, so they proceeded onwards. As they proceeded down another set of stairs Maglor and Japachi scouted ahead, with Japachi heading south and Maglor north. As he proceed around the corner he walked straight into a Gelatinous Cube! Fortunatly his quick reflexes saved himself from being engulfed, catching up with him the group beat the creature into a fine paste. The following room had empty weapon racks, robe stands and a depression in the floor about 6-10 inches deep. Danor concluded that the room was some kind of cleansing room, perhaps the first stage of a process. Danor tried sprinkling the water on himself hoping to cleanse himself, unfortunatly the water quickly burned his injuries. With some experimentation they estabished that the water wouldn't burn those who are undamaged. Before moving on Japachi filled a bucket with the water, he had a plan... The room beyond contained three sarcophaguses, one with signs of having been opened then closed and two others that were untouched. The one that had been opened was empty, the other two each released a black misty which attempted curse them. Only Maglor was effected, the curse prevents him from casting spells. Moving on the next room contained three glass golems, one already destroyed. They proved no issue to the group as they were weak to bludgeoning damage. With the enemys quickly destroyed the group opened the next door and Maglor scouted ahead, finding to his horror; four undead minotaurs! The group made a plan to bottleneck the enemy in a L shape to maximise the damage that they could cause to the undead monsters. Unfortuntly due to Danors heavily armoured footsteps alerted the enemy before they could get themselves into place. Straight away Faoil was charged by the first attacker and sent flying back and knocked prone, the bottleneck wasn't perfect, they defeated the undead (Japachi attempt to throw his bucket of water on them, however he missed). Having defeated the minotaurs the group moved on to the sounds of rushing water, they were confronted by a horrific sight the likes of which none of them had ever seen, multiple ogres sewn together an Ogrepede! <End of Session>
Session 6 <June 9> The Ogrepede fell suprisingly easily, causing only minimal damage to the group. Moving north the group found a lake to the north which had magic healing properties, Danor and Japachi jumped in immediatly and healed a small amount of health, Stod was more causious however he healed from the water as well. While Talaktakan toyed around with the a bucket of the healing pool water combining it with the previous healing water, the others explored further northwest hearing a sounds of crushing and tearing. They saw bear tracks, which led up to a Gnoll camp which was in the process of being attacked by a cave bear. Moving on they spotted a group of gnolls who were clearly hiding from the bear motioning to to party to stay quiet. Deciding to leave the Gnoll's to their fate their proceeded up a nearby cliff they found the opposite side of the rotten smelling door they had found in the main mansion. Whistle considering their next move, the group headed down to a lake to the south. Due to the lake being so deep it was decided it would be best to cross with Japachi's collapsable boat. Sailing over the lake they found ledge with two seats and an Ivory and gold scroll tube containing a spell scroll Commune, which was passed to Danor Continuing on, the group entered a narrow crevis which lead to the flooded area of the manion that contained the Deep ones they had fought earlier. Finding some teasures along the way they eventually encountered more deep ones and an Archimarandrite. Unfortunatly due to the layout of the tunnels, it gave the enemy a significant advantage, they downed Stod three times. After a long and brutal battle they cam out victorious. <End of Session>Session 6 <June 9> The Ogrepede fell suprisingly easily, causing only minimal damage to the group. Moving north the group found a lake to the north which had magic healing properties, Danor and Japachi jumped in immediatly and healed a small amount of health, Stod was more causious however he healed from the water as well. While Talaktakan toyed around with the a bucket of the healing pool water combining it with the previous healing water, the others explored further northwest hearing a sounds of crushing and tearing. They saw bear tracks, which led up to a Gnoll camp which was in the process of being attacked by a cave bear. Moving on they spotted a group of gnolls who were clearly hiding from the bear motioning to to party to stay quiet. Deciding to leave the Gnoll's to their fate their proceeded up a nearby cliff they found the opposite side of the rotten smelling door they had found in the main mansion. Whistle considering their next move, the group headed down to a lake to the south. Due to the lake being so deep it was decided it would be best to cross with Japachi's collapsable boat. Sailing over the lake they found ledge with two seats and an Ivory and gold scroll tube containing a spell scroll Commune, which was passed to Danor Continuing on, the group entered a narrow crevis which lead to the flooded area of the manion that contained the Deep ones they had fought earlier. Finding some teasures along the way they eventually encountered more deep ones and an Archimarandrite. Unfortunatly due to the layout of the tunnels, it gave the enemy a significant advantage, they downed Stod three times. After a long and brutal battle they cam out victorious. <End of Session>
Stonehell (15-09-2022) - Level 6.  Letter from Bright Star of the East to her kin Mist under the Rising Moon. Darling kit-kin,   Word has reached me from home that you have ventured forth on adventures of your own. Had I known you planned to set out, I would have outfitted you in advance as adventuring is not a kind or forgiving. I can only wish you best of luck and remind you that I am in these lands, should you need me.   In the meanwhile, I shall write to you of my most recent adventures as I know you are fond of the tales, though I look forward to hearing of your own adventures as well.    It has been yet another strange yet familiar journey to a place that I had once been. Our party decided to revisit Stonehell, a place that I had explored years ago with a different party. We ended up on level 6, which is not a level I remembered. Level 7 and 9 had been floors I had spent far more time upon with my previous group.   This level was a odd one, evidenced by the smashed sarcophagi, created for beings far taller than most of those living in these foreign lands. The mummies we encountered were odd, human-like but with four arms, long foreheads, and four-digit hands - strange, almost stretched beings which were called something like Kion. This entire floor seemed to be dedicated to them - their death, religion, and even rebirth.   Many of their sarcophagi glowed and floated and were protected by powerful magics that could be overcome with an application of time and Talaktakan's weapons.   After scuffling with four mummies and coming away with 1800gp worth of treasure each, we stumbled into a black pudding and forced open some further sarcophagi for another 275gp each.   Exploring further, we came across some room which as best as I could tell was a scrying chamber. It didn't feel malicious but it certainly was not meant for any other species then those Kion, and to spend too long in the chamber was undoubtedly to invite madness. In the brief moments I stood inside of it, it felt like I saw 500 years of the history of our homeland, well before our people were as they are now. It was like watching fast moving paintings of primitive catfolk fighting against primitive dogfolk, and our ancestors were victorious with the alliance of humanfolk. I shall have to write to scholar-kin, and share what I can remember in more detail as it will undoubtedly interest them.   This race seemed to have some command over their death and rebirth cycle to a certain extent and may have some way to transfer their memories. We cannot read their language but what little we could make out implied thus. There was a large egg-like capsule with a four-digit handprint depression upon the top. I must admit to being uneasy as the party experimented with mummies to see if it would indeed re-incarnate one of their dead, but their experiment only resulted in a poor, malformed shrivelled thing, certainly not fully formed, though it bore a strong resemblance to the mummy fed to the capsule-egg. It did not seem to be alive, which was a small mercy.   Further exploration saved us from falling into into a salt-crystal trap. Always check the doors and the floors, kit-kin. It may save your tail.   We stumbled across a human corpse in what we believe was a commoner's tomb of the Kion. I cannot tell what killed her but she had rather a lot of gold as well as several finely made items - belt and bracers - that could be used as the basis of magical items. Maglor has put them into his bag. Perhaps I will petition the group for the bracers as I have not laid claim to castle nor other land from previous adventures. I will, perhaps, recount the events with the slaves and the castle another time but not in this letter. Beyond the commoner's tomb was a hallway in which we could see what one would refer to as tombs of nobility, guarded by a pair of golems. My first blow landed true and was a mighty blow, though we took them down as a group, I was very pleased with my part of the battle. The golem roared something and while it felt like the warmth of home for me, it shook one of our party and left him frightened for a time. Still another was nearly blinded, though he avoided any permanent damage and demonstrated talent by shooting so-called trick shots. Another yet, stood and held the hall, though he nearly paid with his life for it, he gave us the distance we needed to win the encounter. Still, we were successful in the end, and came out with 2285gp each on top of the rest. We take a break now, dearest kit-kin, and I will explore options to outfit you, even if I must learn to fashion things myself. May Tezca warm the sands you walk on.  
3/11/4452 Talaktakan Maglor & Lazlo find the last room in the Kionin vaults, head north and enter the Slimy Sewers of Amulocoth and the Dwarven Hermitage. Are accosted by dwarf-wights (TBC).

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3/11/4452 Retreat from dwarf wights, rest & train to 1/12/4452 then return to dungeon & kill 2 lake trolls, rest again to 15/12 (2 weeks ahead on timeline). 

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3/2/53 With new comrades, dare the sewers and temple of the slime god. No treasure.

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17/2/4453 BCCC: Talaktakan Lazlo & Shade finish exploring the Sewers of Amuculoth, killing a corrupted Slime Titanoboa, then meet with a Vrilya guard squad north of the Vrilya trade corridors before crossing the great span over the Majesic Sulcus to assault the Dwarven Hermitage. As battle rages, many Dwarf Wights fall.

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17/2/53 Talaktakan Lazlo & Shades are joined by Fraener & Aaron at the Dwarven Hermitage. Defeat wight guards, 2 shade hounds, a lesser bronze golem, & 4 shadows. Take dwarf lineage shields. 18/2/53 to 16/3/53 Fraener travels to Kolda (11 days) and gifts the lineage shields to the Kolda dwarves, is feted and rewarded. Shades sell scarab of protection in Ahyf for 100,000gp. Fraener returns south (11 days). 17/3/53 Delve into Stonehell, kill lots of dwarf wights. 31/3/53 While Talaktakan travels preaching the Word of Yig, Lazlo Gruffyd John Stonehell etc continue crusade against the undead dwarves, killing three shade hounds and discovering the dwarf brewery and its magic mushrooms.
Crossing the Majesic Sulcus.

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14/4/53 The adventurers  Lazlo, John Stonehell, Talaktakan and  Trace Gin  drink at the Fire Beetle Bar south of the Great Bridge, chat with the dwarf landlord, then attack the Dwarven Hermitage again, starting with the mine boss and his bronze golems. Beyond a portcullis, elite Draugrdweg guards put up stiff resistance, but are ultimately defeated. Hearing a challenge from Olan Deepeyes, the group retreat.   "Rush in and die, dogs - I was a Dwarf before I was a King!"
Indeed we ill get you when you are not so weak so we wait!  responds Trace.

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20/4/53 Final assault on the Dwarven Hermitage by  Lazlo, John Stonehell, Talaktakan, Gruffyd, and  Trace Gin . The Ghost Dwarf Olan Deepeyes kills Gruffyd, but is in turn slain by Lazlo. The remaining undead collapse. Talaktakan takes the Gloom Crown.

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27/4/53 Explore Undermines, meet Undermine Trolls & Kroog the enormous giant flaming boar. Survive & retreat. Session XP 4 Undermine Trolls 2300x4= 9200 15 giant rats 25x15 = 375 9200+375= 9575/4 = 2393 each Explore new level, meet Kroog = 500 each Total 2893 each Lazlo Talaktakan Maglor & John

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4/5/53 Assault on the Undermines. Afterwards, Maglor drinks with Saralya the Vrilya at the Rama's Inn on level 4. Rumour in Stonehell has it that the Three Eyed King will go to war within the month. 4-5/53 The Ghinarian Lords (and the Amazons at St Ulther's Tower) are warned of possible threat. Ahyf offers refuge. Maglor is relocating his ravens to Ahyf. Malenn writes to King Bronze informing him of the rumour. 6/5/53 In Ahyf, Maglor meets with Queen Malenn & Steward Briaron to make plans. Ahyf's defences will be strengthened, with many ballistae on the walls; the militia are placed on alert. Gnubis & Nefeti Greywolf are sent north to seek aid from the Greywolf (Kaag Tigerkiller) & Seawolf (Minars Rapak) Altanian clans. Malenn gives Maglor a final instruction: "It will be a week or so to gather the Ghinarian Lords. I would like to have more information for them by then. Hm, they will likely insist on meeting at Verius, since Kaldrac of Verius is their 'high lord' at present. Let's pre-empt that, and avoid ruffled feathers, by suggesting a meeting at Verius ourselves. In the meantime, see what else you can discover about this Three-Eyed King and his plans." Malenn plans to invite the lords Arkonos (her vassal) Krens, Kogor, Usarus, Kaldrac, Hytirus, Thuvia/Arkonos, & Hotar/Oriana, to a war council at Verius for 14/5/53. As high lord of the Ghinarians, Kaldrac will nominally be in charge of proceedings, and as a proud Ghinarian he will need to be dealt with carefully - 'with kid gloves'. She also writes encouraging Hytirus & Kaldrac to set a watch for approaching giants!

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11 & 18/5/53 Talaktakan & Lazlo raid the Undermine Trolls, killing many. Will resume 29/6/53. 14/5 War Council at Ahyf - the Ghinarian Lords will pay tribute if the Three Eyed King attacks. Queen Malenn will defend the walls of Ahyf.
24/6/23 Shieldbiter defeats an attack by the Three Eyed King forces on Ahyf, persuades Princess Vanja & the fire giants to join him. Kills 3 Triclops (& captures one), 2 stone giants, 1 hill giant, and Vanja's fire giant fanatic uncle.