I'm trying to use the ChatSetAttr API to increment the item count for specific items on multiple character sheets.
I'm using OGL 5E. The character owners like to move their items around on their character sheet so I decided to look up the specific item id for each item I want to increment.
Contextually, I'm running Tomb of Annihiation and reducing insect repellent by 1 for each morning they apply a fresh dose.
I use the codes below all run at the same time... Sometimes it runs as expected. But most of the time it only runs 1 or 2 of the commands... ie. player 1 and player 3 only increment out of 6 total players...
!modattr --name Rol Ulfgar --repeating_inventory_-MtYqgfYvZLjo0T3glHv_itemcount|-1
!modattr --name Dain Ironfist --repeating_inventory_-MNJSx-sXFpNasIApWY3_itemcount|-1
!modattr --name Thalanil Zinvaris --repeating_inventory_-MNJSvHVNBjGZySHTZWq_itemcount|-1
!modattr --name Inidil --repeating_inventory_-MQcSte2brj76cqEhs3h_itemcount|-1
!modattr --name Brenna Elden --repeating_inventory_-McdiVpYoIA8JdNxJ675_itemcount|-1
Any ideas why the result would be so inconsistent?
Is there a better way to "nest" each increment command that would result in a more consistent result? Not sure what I'm doing wrong...