Hi everyone, It has been a while since the previous release notes were published to the forums. For folks who've been eagle eyed on the Change Log  then you've likely noticed we have had a LOT of releases coming out lately! We didn't want to overcrowd things in the announcement forums and relied on the Change Log to do the heavy lifting of keeping folks up to date. We overcorrected here and have gotten feedback that folks enjoy having updates shared here as well! So, we are going to bring release notes back with a bit of a change, namely that they will be switching to a weekly format that we will release on Fridays. Our goal here is to summarize the releases that have come out over the course of the week and the previous weekend and keep things nice and tidy. This should also be much more consistent for those who check the forums regularly! For those of you who want the bleeding edge updates on all changes happening on Roll20, please feel free to check out the Change Log as it is updated for every release! Anyways, now for the info folks REALLY want here: March 29th, 2022 Fixed an issue where next/previous page buttons in the web compendium were leading to the wrong source. Fixed an issue where filtering in the in-VTT compendium was showing erroneous search results. Added two new navigation links for the Ambassador Program (under Community) and D&D Hub (under Tools). Updated recent players list to show the last 25 players a user has played with. Fix for dark mode colors in text chat for /em and /as commands, inline rolls, tables, 5e NPC damage, and removes all text chat color inversions. Fix for dark mode colors on Virtual Tabletop with Token Tooltip, 5e NPC ability score. March 28th, 2022 Character sheet selection dropdowns on the Create New Game and Campaign Settings pages now render in UTF-8 to support international character sheets and systems. Fixed an issue where if the in-VTT compendium search hit an error users would need to refresh the browser to reset. March 24th, 2022 Character sheet attributes now load when needed in-game rather than all at once on game load, increasing initial load speed and reducing initial memory usage. Fixed an issue resulting in non-intuitive search results in character sheet dropdown. Fixed an issue where certain pages weren’t showing up in compendium searches if they had statistics but no text content. March 18th, 2022 Adjusted contrast for the 5th Edition by Roll20 Character Sheet in the Charactermancer, NPC sheet, some inline roll results, roll toggles, and roll templates for dark mode. Fixed a bug that caused the token menu focus to default to the first tab rather than the previously opened tab. Fixed transparent and white backgrounds with the Radial Menu and Token Marker, respectively. Added a class for Character Sheet authors to identify when dark mode is enabled within roll template CSS. Sheet Authors: Including '.sheet-rolltemplate-darkmode' at the start of your selector will target roll templates only when dark mode is enabled. March 17th, 2022 Search added to Character Vault. Fixed an issue where character sheet windows that were popped out were not able to reopen in Chrome. Fixed an issue where certain pages weren't showing up in compendium searches if they had statistics but no text content. Fixed an issue where large tables of contents on compendium pages were overflowing their bounding boxes. Fixed an issue with the compendium enabling search for pages with +, &, and : symbols. March 16th, 2022 Fixed an issue which prevented uploading multiple images at once to the Bulk Card Uploader. March 7th, 2022 Character Vault is now paginated for users with more than 20 characters stored. March 4th, 2022 Turn Tracker's Active Turn has better color contrast Change to Character Sheet modal makes a better Dark Mode experience for community sheets Inline Roll Template text/background contrast increased Default Roll Template text/background contrast increased Better contrast on "Rolling Dice" message when... rolling dice DnD 5e NPC Sheet text/background contrast increase DnD 5e Sheet extra abilities in Text Chat got dark mode Changes font and font size for DnD 5e character sheet in dark mode DnD 5e dropdowns have much contrast March 3rd, 2022 Added support for Finnish language translations As always to stay on top of the latest updates, you can always read the full list on our  Change Log ! We'll see you next Friday!