[Script] Faces
This is a short script that is designed to provide a quick visual interface for swapping token images and names. I built it for a Changeling character I want to play, so that I easily could build up a library of disguises from tokens I encounter. The interface will work for both players and GMs.
The script calls names and images from rollable tables or from any multisided token.
Rollable tables must have a name and image for each entry:
To call up the chat interface, use !faces [tablename]. For the above example:
!faces Portraits
...builds this in chat:
This menu is visible only to the person issuing the command, so it shouldn't spam the interface. The interface is non-persistent as well, so it will not leave litter in the Chat Archive or persist from game to game.
Clicking an image will assign that image to any selected token.
Clicking the name will likewise change the token's name.
Clicking [Add an image to this table] will prompt the user to target a token on the VTT, and ask for a name. The resulting name and image will form a new entry in the rollable table:
[Display this table] is the same as issuing the !faces command for the table
[Add another image to this table] repeats the process as above.
I've tried to build this so it works equally well for dark and light mode, since the API has no way of adjusting currently.
What this script does not do:
- Adjust token size.
- Change any token-character representation, linking, or attributes.
It is not intended to be a Wildshape script. There are much better-suited scripts for that.
Potential uses for this script:
- Disguise-master characters
- Changeling characters
- Alter Self and Seeming spells (and similar)
- Providing the GM a way to alter the image choices for a group of enemies. Quickly differentiate between goblin archers, goblin infantry, dead goblins
- Give a visual interface for a player who has multiple expressions or variations for their character
- Characters who contract lycanthropy
- Monsters with different states: Ankheg on surface, surfacing or a Bugs Bunny-style burrowing mound
- Build a library of townsfolk, scholars, city guards or other commoner-types.
- Assigning map pin icons: Tavern vs temple vs shop, etc.
- Quickly changing the state of a trap image
- Changing a closed door image to an open door image.
- Laying out a bunch of map tiles and quickly switching between them to build a dungeon
- having tables for map furnishings: a chair table, a door, even a table table.
- Change downed enemies to a creative variety of grisly remains?
- A GM could present players with a menu of tokens for their PCs
- A rollable table of scenes and images to show characters using shift-Z. Just keep one token on table and switch at need.
- Probably more I haven't thought of.
EDIT: New feature.
!faces existing
will use the same interface as described above, but the token faces will come from token if it is a rollable table token.
EDIT: New feature - Filter results
!faces <tablename> filter|
This will only show results from a table if the table item name includes whatever comes after " filter|"
example, if you have a table named "Warriors" that includes:
- elf archer
- human archer
- elf wizard
and type !faces Warrior filter|archer
it will only return entries for
- elf archer
- human archer
A good use for this might be a table of commoners that includes elves, humans and dwarves. When you are in a large cosmopolitan area, you might want to choose from the whole table. If you are in the dwarven mines of Shmoria, you might only want the dwarf entries.