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Token & Sheet Reset Issue


Edited 1649231988
Myself and two other GM's I know have noticed an odd bug where it seems like something server-side is tripping. The bug isn't entirely consistant but the easiest way to replicate / trigger is by; Making a Character with a character sheet. Associating a token with the created character. Renaming the token and assigning a linked stat to one of it's bars, Save Token. Change the value of the associated bar in the character sheet. At this point if the bug triggers it will change the name back to what the sheet is named as, like it had just been assigned to the sheet again. The reason I say it's server side is because of the following interesting quirk you can pull off by adding another few steps; Repeat the above steps to Step 3. Assign the Token as the Default Token. Delete the token from the map. Spawn the token again in the same location by dragging the character from the journals to the map. Change the value of the associated bar in the character sheet. If the bug triggers then the deleted token should reappear with the original name of the sheet before it was renamed. The newly spawned token may also be renamed, but it might not be. Regardless you should still be able to spawn another token from the character as expected and it'll keep the renamed name but they can be un-renamed by changing the value again. Which is to say the bug should repeat every time you change the value thereafter but refreshing Roll20's client can break the chain. These issues aren't just for one person either, the changes happen from the perception of all clients logged into the game. I'm using Windows 7 Professional and Firefox, meanwhile one of said friends who also got this bug to happen is using Windows 11 and Chrome. Thusly i'm pretty sure it's not on our end, bit too much of a difference in platforms there. Anyways, earliest we encountered this was about a week ago. Might be related to some of the other reset bugs people are reporting. Personal hunch is it's got something to do with how Roll20's servers are cycling their saves/updates or issueing updates to active games.
I've encountered this same basic bug, and logged it as help request #87490. I've been able to reproduce it by editing a character sheet's attributes, even if they are not linked to a token bar , or by editing a token's bar values when they are linked to attributes . When editing a character sheet's attributes directly, the bug manifests as a renaming of the token from its designated name to the name of the character sheet. When editing a linked bar value, it manifests as the spawning of a new token in the same square as the edited token. The new token has the name of the character sheet. In my repro, I also have ascertained that this happens even if the edits are accomplished via API script, such as via TokenMod or ChatSetAttr. The issue doesn't appear to affect player clients in my game; I can't reproduce it via a dummy player account. However, it affects the GM role in my game, regardless of whether I use Firefox or Chrome. I have tested with extensions disabled and cookies purged, etc., as per normal troubleshooting procedure. The issue appears and disappears intermittently.
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I haven't experienced this, but if it is mostly repeatable, you should send this information in a  Help Center Request . They may not find a quick resolution, but it creates a ticket that will have to eventually be addressed.
I created a ticket prior to posting here. :P