Dear Roll20, Thank you for the "Renovations" announced April 20. I'm already running a Waterdeep Dragon Heist campaign. Do I need to do something to get these renovations into my game? APRIL 20 ANNOUNCEMENT We gave these dungeons a RENOVATION! 💅 Some of your favorite D&D 5E adventures have received some fresh love! Nine adventures in total have had compendiums and art packs created to give their packages all the value we have come to expect from a Roll20 conversion. Tales from the Yawning Portal Storm King's Thunder Curse of Strahd Tomb of Annihilation Princes of the Apocalypse Hoard of the Dragon Queen Rise of Tiamat Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Dungeon of the Mad Mage Each of these packages now include a compendium containing the Monsters, Items, Races, Subraces, Backgrounds, and Spells made available for your drag-and-drop and Charactermancer experiences. In addition, tokens have been added across these packages in the form of Token Packs. These all use art from the adventure itself to give players and the DM a giant pool of thematically appropriate tokens to choose from when creating PCs and NPCs.