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The changelog is incorrect

The bug was never about doubling back on itself, I didn't find this out till I was fiddling with my marching order page during live session a lil bit ago, but the actual lighting barrier phantom line bug occurs when you complete a shape on an angle that is smaller than 90 degrees.  It is a very simple reproduction.  Go to a blank page, put a token with vision down, then create a rhombus that completes on one of the smaller angles.  You will then create THE lighting barrier bug that you made all of us sit through for an entire weekend: It is my firm belief that this bug crept up when you added the ninja fix to light bleed through on polygon completions, you will notice now that when you complete a shape with line draw, it no longer has that odd lil funky corner at the completion point, its now somehow completing the shape perfectly but causing this phantom line bug.   I have an image to post but after 8 attempts at pasting it into this message I gave up, clearly someone needs to bug report the bug report forum...

Edited 1650907625
I was actually incorrect, though imo I think your latest patch broke it further cause I know last night I could still complete the rhombus on the wide angle without issue, but now there is only one way to complete a rhombus like corner: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> This showcases that the bug is directly related to how they changed the completion of shapes which came with the one way lighting patch though it was undocumented, I know it came then cause I'm in the process of doing DL lighting for floors 15-23 in DotMM during my spare time and can directly see where the shape completion changed on those maps.&nbsp;&nbsp;
David M.
API Scripter
It's looking like it only affects LDL, and now seems to be ANY closed polygon not just &lt;90 angles. A phantom LoS line appears from the first point through (0,0). When I switch the page to UDL it goes away, which is both Yay(!) and Booo(!). I'm guessing this will not get fixed since LDL is no longer supported. Looks like if you want a "closed" polygon in LDL you will have to piece it together with two or more separate open polygons.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Well, shoot. Might be the first death knell of LDL. Presuming LDL users don't want to go through the trouble of learning a new habit. Good detective work, both of you. DM Eddie, was the image posting problem due to a copy/paste failure?
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
FWIW, I can replicate this on LDL.
keithcurtis said: Well, shoot. Might be the first death knell of LDL. Presuming LDL users don't want to go through the trouble of learning a new habit. Good detective work, both of you. DM Eddie, was the image posting problem due to a copy/paste failure? Nah, in my video I showed how to work around it in LDL.&nbsp; Never complete a polygon and you will be fine.&nbsp; Watch the third example in the video if you don't get what I mean.&nbsp; I gotta be honest though, it had me scanning every map worried the bug was there but it seems to only affect new lines drawn, so just don't complete poly's and you are fine going forward in LDL.&nbsp; If anything, all this scare did for me was motivate me to start my weekly prep work to move this last table from roll20 over to my foundry build.&nbsp; I estimate they have about 2 more months of pro sub out of me before I've fully moved to Foundry hosting full time.&nbsp; I don't feel any remorse either.&nbsp; This company just doesn't get how they should handle updates and changes to the product.&nbsp; They keep dumping things out and letting the disaster play out across their paying customers instead of playtesters.&nbsp; Patches on friday afternoons that have had zero QA and playtesting forcing their entire customer base to endure 3 high volume game nights on their flawed reckless patching system without any way to revert.&nbsp; Foundry has versions you can fall back on and you can hold updating till all of your modules are updated to be compatible.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
DM Eddie said: Nah, in my video I showed how to work around it in LDL.&nbsp; Never complete a polygon and you will be fine. That's what I meant by "learning a new habit".

Edited 1650926945
David M.
API Scripter
It seems weird that it would affect LDL/UDL differently. They are simple SVG closed polygons, no bezier curves or anything. This is interesting timing because I'm starting to work on a path editing script so diving into SVG formatting.&nbsp; I know that circles are handled differently between the systems. UDL respects the intent of the bezier curves of ovals while LDL only uses the bezier pts themselves as if they were polygonal vertices.&nbsp; Interestingly, UDL still doesn't seem to respect bezier curves for non-oval shapes. I created the shape on the right of the pictures via the api (control pts in black), and you can see the funkiness of the sight lines. `[[\"M",0,0],[\"Q\",140,70,70,140],[\"L\",210,210]]` UDL LDL
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
This new treatment of closed polygons is great for UDL, but it has good potential for breaking existing or module lighting for LDL users. As a UDL user, I'm not affected, but I foresee a lot of "bug posts" in the coming months from LDL users.
David M.
API Scripter
Yeah for sure. Now where'd I put that LoTR "So it begins..." meme?
This was the straw that broke the camels back for me personally.&nbsp; 8 of the 11 fully fleshed out floors of dotmm with custom map art all had the lighting anomalies(they didn't have the anomalies till the Monday morning "bug fix)."&nbsp; So I redid the first three floors of dotmm for the only remaining party I host on roll20, and when they move to the fourth floor, I'm done with roll20 entirely and I'm running just Foundry.&nbsp; I'm losing a bunch of time and investment here but I'm that fucking pissed off with this company.&nbsp; And no, I'm not putting in a ticket.&nbsp; Its beyond that.&nbsp; This company is a ripoff.&nbsp; I think everyone should just rip the bandaid off, these guys have been developing dynamic lighting for what?&nbsp; 10 years?&nbsp; And still can't get things right.&nbsp; Especially considering alot of the features they are boasting about coming down the pipeline are features already in Foundry.&nbsp; Without game breaking bugs.&nbsp; Just the ability to lock your version in on foundry is worth all the $$$ in the world.&nbsp; To no longer be a slave to some random devs reckless patch an hour before a live session.&nbsp;&nbsp;
DM Eddie said: This was the straw that broke the camels back for me personally.&nbsp; 8 of the 11 fully fleshed out floors of dotmm with custom map art all had the lighting anomalies(they didn't have the anomalies till the Monday morning "bug fix)."&nbsp; So I redid the first three floors of dotmm for the only remaining party I host on roll20, and when they move to the fourth floor, I'm done with roll20 entirely and I'm running just Foundry.&nbsp; I'm losing a bunch of time and investment here but I'm that fucking pissed off with this company.&nbsp; And no, I'm not putting in a ticket.&nbsp; Its beyond that.&nbsp; This company is a ripoff.&nbsp; I think everyone should just rip the bandaid off, these guys have been developing dynamic lighting for what?&nbsp; 10 years?&nbsp; And still can't get things right.&nbsp; Especially considering alot of the features they are boasting about coming down the pipeline are features already in Foundry.&nbsp; Without game breaking bugs.&nbsp; Just the ability to lock your version in on foundry is worth all the $$$ in the world.&nbsp; To no longer be a slave to some random devs reckless patch an hour before a live session.&nbsp;&nbsp; And don't forget the VTT Dark Mode where they have not even introduced dark mode for the site itself or the different layout for marketplace and the rest and the "new" settings menu with the nested groups... (and it goes on and on)
TheMarkus1204 said: DM Eddie said: This was the straw that broke the camels back for me personally.&nbsp; 8 of the 11 fully fleshed out floors of dotmm with custom map art all had the lighting anomalies(they didn't have the anomalies till the Monday morning "bug fix)."&nbsp; So I redid the first three floors of dotmm for the only remaining party I host on roll20, and when they move to the fourth floor, I'm done with roll20 entirely and I'm running just Foundry.&nbsp; I'm losing a bunch of time and investment here but I'm that fucking pissed off with this company.&nbsp; And no, I'm not putting in a ticket.&nbsp; Its beyond that.&nbsp; This company is a ripoff.&nbsp; I think everyone should just rip the bandaid off, these guys have been developing dynamic lighting for what?&nbsp; 10 years?&nbsp; And still can't get things right.&nbsp; Especially considering alot of the features they are boasting about coming down the pipeline are features already in Foundry.&nbsp; Without game breaking bugs.&nbsp; Just the ability to lock your version in on foundry is worth all the $$$ in the world.&nbsp; To no longer be a slave to some random devs reckless patch an hour before a live session.&nbsp;&nbsp; And don't forget the VTT Dark Mode where they have not even introduced dark mode for the site itself or the different layout for marketplace and the rest and the "new" settings menu with the nested groups... (and it goes on and on) And don't forget that when you go to place a ticket for the million issues you run into with the product that the support side of the site is fully integrated with a darkmode setting...the whole time.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Hey all, We appreciate the conversation that has happened so far here and understand that this can be a frustrating situation for those still utilizing Legacy Dynamic Lighting (LDL). Last year we halted further updates and development of LDL to remain focused on Updated Dynamic Lighting (UDL). This means that we cannot ensure the stability or compatibility for games that may use LDL which can result in situations as described here. We are continuing to focus on UDL and its highly requested features such as Windows and Interactable doors which are on our product portal to be delivered. I recognize that there is a desire to continue using LDL but I want to mention we do still offer the Convert Lighting tool for anyone who’d like to give it a shot. Primary call out is to play it safe and run the tool on a copy of your main game to scout out the changes and spot any discrepancies. If you are experiencing issues with UDL, we still refer to the forum thread regularly to read reports. You can also reach out via for our support team to assist in troubleshooting or ultimately submitting a report to the development team. Lastly, the conversation here has started to veer off-topic. As such, I am going to go ahead and close this thread. I want to also extend the offer to folks, feel free to PM me directly with other feedback or questions you may have regarding anything and I am happy to answer where I am able.