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Sheets by Roll20 Portal - Have Ideas? Submit them here!


Edited 1651788645
Nic B.
Roll20 Team
Hey Folks! As you may or may not be aware, over the last 12 months we've released 6 new 'by Roll20' sheets, and made several large updates to our established 'by Roll20' sheets. We now have a roster of 18+ official Roll20 sheets, with still more to come in the next few months.  As you can imagine, this is a lot of communication for our (quite small) Sheet Development team to keep up with, often spread across multiple threads and various other locations, and frankly, we've failed to keep an open dialogue with the users of the sheets. In an attempt to consolidate user feedback, we're going to trial using the Roll20 Portal . This will allow you to submit ideas, issues and potential features, allow you to see our progress, and help you know if something is on our radar. For our part, this will allow us to track what features and issues are most sorely missed and valuable to the community, and will hopefully allow us to have a single location to collate feedback. I am going to do my best to preempt some questions I imagine that some folks might have: Why is <insert name of sheet> not on the Portal? We simply had a certain date by which we wanted to make this public, so that we could start improving our communication with the community, and these sheets are what made the cut. Other sheets coming soon! Can I submit ideas for a sheet not on the Portal? Absolutely! Please do. As we add more sheets to the portal, we'll add your suggestions to them. Are the sheet threads going away? Not immediately and not definitely! We want to be sure that there are still hubs for community conversation regarding these sheets, and there is always the possibility that this experiment fails to deliver what we're looking for. We're going to leave the threads alone for now, but this will be, at least in the short term, the way to request new features on 'by Roll20' sheets. Does this mean that you're only going to update the most popular sheets that garner the most user feedback? No! We are committing to spreading the love equally. Your feedback and ratings will influence which features on any given sheet get approached first, but will not decide in what order sheets will get attention, we will try and spread that out equally among all our sheets, wherever possible. I hope that this answered some of the most pressing questions, but if you have more, please ask them below and I'll do my very best to answer :) Thanks everyone!

Edited 1651787124
Sheet Author
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The Submit New Idea doesnt have a field for sheets. Shouldnt there be a field to add the character sheet the suggestion is for? One question prompted by tthe above post: are you saying you plan to make changes to community sheets, and not just the By Roll20 sheets? I'm wary of that, and it might have a chilling effect on mainainance of existing sheets.
GiGs said: Many of the things added to the Portal dont have a character sheet named. Shouldnt there be a field to add the character sheet the suggestion is for? They should be grouped by sheet, is that not what you're seeing? GiGs said: One question prompted by tthe above post: are you saying you plan to make changes to community sheets, and not just the By Roll20 sheets? I'm wary of that, and it might have a chilling effect on mainainance of existing sheets. We have no plans to update any community sheets. The Portal will just be used as a communication hub for the 'By Roll20' sheets.
Sheet Author
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About the By Roll20 Sheets: Thats great to hear. Your first paragraph was a bit vague to me, but that might just be a misreading on my part. For the sheet groupings: There are sheet groupings, but the Submit New ideas button seens to be universal for the page, and not limited by character sheet. How do you make a suggestion for a specific sheet?
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Hi Nic! Just want to chime in here on the Roll20 portal. In order to just read a portal item the system requires you to: 1) indicate how much you want the feature 2) submit some hopefully relevant comment 3) wait for an email 4) click an authorization link. This must be done every time you visit the portal. This makes the portal pretty much useless or spam-generating for anyone who just wants to find out more about the state, scope or details of a feature.The portal needs adjustment, or user input will likely continue to be minimal or uninformed. Step 1 is useful once. Sometimes you don't know how much you would want the feature because the description is too brief or vague. Or maybe you want the feature, but need to know what the intent of the developers is before you express an opinion. Step 2 is superfluous if you just want to find out more about what has been said. It forces you to input nonsensical or irrelevant info if you just want to educate yourself. Steps 3 and 4 are useful once. Why should a verification link ever need to be sent more than once? If Roll20 wants users to use the portal, make it more friendly to users.
GiGs said: About the By Roll20 Sheets: Thats great to hear. Your first paragraph was a bit vague to me, but that might just be a misreading on my part. For the sheet groupings: There are sheet groupings, but the Submit New ideas button seens to be universal for the page, and not limited by character sheet. How do you make a suggestion for a specific sheet? I've amended the first paragraph of the post to make that clearer. And, ah, I understand now. I think you'd have to indicate it by writing into the suggestion field. The posts all get human read to sort and prioritize them, so if you mention which sheet you're leaving feedback for, it'll end up in the right spot. keithcurtis said: Hi Nic! Just want to chime in here on the Roll20 portal. ~snip~ This is... bizarre. I don't think this is how it's supposed to work, but I will try and get some clarity on that and get back to you. That does not, indeed, seem like a good user experience.
Hi Keith, Following up on the Roll20 Portal discussion. So, the way that this has been explained to me is that users register their interest in a particular topic by providing their email address, and from that point on will be updated on changes to those particular items via email, and so that there's not a particular need for users to repeatedly check via the Portal itself. That said, I can absolutely see that there is friction here. As I stated above, we're trialing this. It might be that folks find this too cumbersome to use, and if folks seem to prefer using the threads, or sentiment is generally that this is not a good solution for Sheet Development, we're open to trying something else. We're committed to making sure that we get the right communication channels open.
Sheet Author
You might include a link to the Portal in the official sheets. Just my casual observation, but user feedback on the forums regarding official sheets appear to go unnoticed for long periods of time.
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Nic B. said: Hi Keith, Following up on the Roll20 Portal discussion. So, the way that this has been explained to me is that users register their interest in a particular topic by providing their email address, and from that point on will be updated on changes to those particular items via email, and so that there's not a particular need for users to repeatedly check via the Portal itself. That said, I can absolutely see that there is friction here. As I stated above, we're trialing this. It might be that folks find this too cumbersome to use, and if folks seem to prefer using the threads, or sentiment is generally that this is not a good solution for Sheet Development, we're open to trying something else. We're committed to making sure that we get the right communication channels open. Hey Nic, I think the portal has great value in reducing noise to signal, and the dev view is probably great, but yeah, it's pretty cumbersome on the user end. Yes, I receive an update on features as they are posted, but to see the whole feature history requires the process above. Also, if a new feature is added, the process must be repeated. It's very hard to get an overview or to review what you might have read six months ago. I much prefer being able to see other user input in forum threads. It makes me aware of issues, errors and workarounds as they occur. If I keep up on the thread, I know that there are still dark mode problems with the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 Sheet, for example. I know I don't need to fill out a report because the devs are aware.I also know that it is nothing wrong on my end and that saves a huge amount of time in the long run, because I don't spend minutes or hours trying to fix something that is a known issue and cannot be currently fixed. The portal is like throwing a letter down into a hole, and occasionally one gets thrown back up. I cannot see what's down in the hole (or any of the other holes) without throwing another letter down, and getting out my climbing gear and lantern. I'm not sure what would be the best feedback. The forum threads are great, but there's a lot of noise and digression. The portal is clean, but too distanced. It would be great if there was a digest report on the sheet, or a regularly updated "state of the sheet" report that lists all features in development, bugs and workarounds, but that would be a full-time job for someone. :/
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'm not having the user experience Keith describes. I never have to relog there. But I very much agree with this: keithcurtis said: I much prefer being able to see other user input in forum threads. It makes me aware of issues, errors and workarounds as they occur. If I keep up on the thread, I know that there are still dark mode problems with the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 Sheet, for example. I know I don't need to fill out a report because the devs are aware.I also know that it is nothing wrong on my end and that saves a huge amount of time in the long run, because I don't spend minutes or hours trying to fix something that is a known issue and cannot be currently fixed. The portal is like throwing a letter down into a hole, and occasionally one gets thrown back up. I cannot see what's down in the hole (or any of the other holes) without throwing another letter down, and getting out my climbing gear and lantern. Seeing the discussion from other players, and the things they raise and the back and forth it leads to, is pretty important I think. Not to mention workarounds or solutions that other players can offer, and descriptions of things they do with a sheet are helpful, though admittedly that kind of thing isnt common and is arguably something that doesnt belong in the support thread anyway.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Nic B. said: I've amended the first paragraph of the post to make that clearer. And, ah, I understand now. I think you'd have to indicate it by writing into the suggestion field. The posts all get human read to sort and prioritize them, so if you mention which sheet you're leaving feedback for, it'll end up in the right spot. That amendment does make things clearer. Regarding suggestions, with a lot of sheets and more added, I feel confident in stating that there will definitely be suggestions that come in where its unclear which sheet the asker is referring to. What happens when there's a suggestion where it isnt clear which sheet it applies to? For that matter (less importantly), a suggestion that doesnt apply to any sheet but is a general suggestion that applies to all?
So... if I might suggest one thing... When I first saw the VTM V5 sheet, my first thought was, Oh dear, the never had a player look at this, did they? VTM (and, honestly, many systems) are nuanced enough that there's so much that it's really hard to pick up on the fly, especially with a small team. There's a million details that are super important that are easy to get lost in the mix. Like, you don't get all the powers when you pick up a discipline, or how very important willpower rolls are during play.  I'm a dev who leads a small team, and there is no way in heaven and hell we could do what we do without experts to guide us. I'm not saying unleash the public on a sheet that's in development, but I'm sure you could convince a few experienced players to do some test runs in exchange for some books. 
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
I’ve added 2 suggestions for the 13th Age by Roll20 character sheet. I can’t see them or search for them, but that’s the Portal for you. 
Sheet Author
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Andrew R. said: I’ve added 2 suggestions for the 13th Age by Roll20 character sheet. I can’t see them or search for them, but that’s the Portal for you.  It was mentioned above that they all have to be vetted by a human, so they probably take some time to appear.
Can I make a suggestion; maybe somewhere to post updates on what updates sheets have undergone? At the moment, as far as I can tell at least, you only know that something has changed or become a thing when you stumble across it in game.
Can you update the Aces and Eights character sheet to the 2nd Edition?
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Lord Enforcer said: Can you update the Aces and Eights character sheet to the 2nd Edition? Hi Lord Enforcer! This thread is referring to official sheets made by Roll20. It looks like the Aces and Eights sheet is a community sheet by user Lela Corson . You could try contacting them about an update.
The Fallout 2d20 Sheets have the following Two issues. As per a different thread (Dunno how to link) 1:) Paul E.  said: I tried out the new sheet, but when I tried a task roll for small guns, which was a tagged skill of 6, with an agility of 9, anything that was 15 or lower was counted as 2 successes. It should have been one success for 15 or lower, and an additional success for 6 or lower.  The tagged skills need to set the critical success as the skill level instead of the skill plus ability. I did test for non tagged skills and they did work properly registering 2 successes for a rolled 1. And 2:) There is no way to Manually Change The Melee Bonus or Luck points without adjusting the stat, IE: if one of your players has the "heavy handed" Trait, Or Gifted Trait Reducing the maxium amount of luck availible. 
Was able to discover if you toggle the "Character Automation" Button in settings you can Adjust Luck and Melee Damage which was fantastic :D  However i also discovered that UNARMED ATTACKS are for some reason not Included by the MELEE DAMAGE BONUS
Benas, tengo problemas con la hoja de personaje de Starfinder en castellano. 1• el espacio que corresponde a la clase de personaje se encuentra bloqueada y no se puede escribir nada. 2• el segundo problema es que no existe espacio para agregar equipo, armas y hechizos lo que imposibilita el uso de esta hoja de personaje. La otra hoja de personaje, no está en castellano y no puedo usarla por el problema de idioma de mis jugadores. METRO gustaría saber cómo puedo subir una hoja de personaje, que aunque no pueda ejecutar automáticamente las tiradas como las hojas anteriores, si pueda al menos servirle a mis jugadores. De antemano muchas gracias 🙂
Mel P.
KS Backer
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Eliwood Alt said: The Fallout 2d20 Sheets have the following Two issues. As per a different thread (Dunno how to link) 1:) Paul E.  said: I tried out the new sheet, but when I tried a task roll for small guns, which was a tagged skill of 6, with an agility of 9, anything that was 15 or lower was counted as 2 successes. It should have been one success for 15 or lower, and an additional success for 6 or lower.  The tagged skills need to set the critical success as the skill level instead of the skill plus ability. I did test for non tagged skills and they did work properly registering 2 successes for a rolled 1. And 2:) There is no way to Manually Change The Melee Bonus or Luck points without adjusting the stat, IE: if one of your players has the "heavy handed" Trait, Or Gifted Trait Reducing the maxium amount of luck availible.  Definitely fixing the calculation of successes on tagged skills should be the #1 priority bug fix on this sheet.
It'd be a good idea to fix your sheets in regards to dark mode (DnD 5e for example) before implementing new ones... and IF you start implementing new sheets then please implement them with dark mode working from the start!

Edited 1653050651
I would like to suggest adding a sheet for the "Wheel of Time RPG". I'm currently in a long running game for it, and our DM uses this Google doc as the templet for our sheets, but it would be nice to have it on roll20.&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=";sa=D&amp;source=editors&amp;ust=1653053557424185&amp;usg=AOvVaw3Ct7i1-HtrnQNcqXpLGBTJ" rel="nofollow">;sa=D&amp;source=editors&amp;ust=1653053557424185&amp;usg=AOvVaw3Ct7i1-HtrnQNcqXpLGBTJ</a>
How are ideas we enter into the portal curated? There's no way to select a sheet for which we're submitting an idea, so do you guys review and organize the feedback manually?
TheWebCoder said: How are ideas we enter into the portal curated? There's no way to select a sheet for which we're submitting an idea, so do you guys review and organize the feedback manually? Suggestions I posted appeared after a few weeks, under someone else's name (probably a developer or other Roll20 staff). There was mention of emails to track updates, but I have not seen any.&nbsp;
Got it. Thanks Mark!&nbsp; Mark G. said: TheWebCoder said: How are ideas we enter into the portal curated? There's no way to select a sheet for which we're submitting an idea, so do you guys review and organize the feedback manually? Suggestions I posted appeared after a few weeks, under someone else's name (probably a developer or other Roll20 staff). There was mention of emails to track updates, but I have not seen any.&nbsp;
Is there a reason that you want to use a Portal to track even bug reports for sheets, rather than the existing threads available on these forums? I would remove Call of Cthulhu from the list if you aren't going to keep it updated, based on the bug reports in the official thread.
PORTAL FEATURE REQUEST Add a cookie so it remembers that we're already logged in. Currently, I have to login each time I leave a comment, and cannot proactively login without leaving a comment, in order to see my previous comments.
Roll 20 Trail of Cthulhu I was hoping to host my ToC GUMSHOE game using one of the two character sheets to chose from. Sadly the one by Roll20, promesing to automate all the pool spending and build point used when creating your character, fales in doing that. Can these issues be fixed any time soon? 1. When changing the amount build point it is not updated going back to place build points. 2. The placing of build points does not register against the total (#/#) for General Abilitis. 3. Rolling a General Ability and spending pool does not register, no pool is removed. I have not tested if the 'Free points' register, are removed, when used? Then I have some sugestions for improving the character sheet: 1. The Stabilty and Health racks on the side should have the positive valus on top, like in this order: 12, 11, 10 ... 0, -1, -2. Allso, make each level a set of 6 rows (12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7 ...), with the minus twelve (-12) as just: 'Insane' and 'Dead'. 2. It would be great if the effects of mental trauma (Shaken and Blasted), and physical injuries (Hurt and Wounded) could be coded in as the level is reashed, and then register for the abilities as it should. Allso, give the levels (ex Hurt 0 to&nbsp; some color, or&nbsp; 3. A sheckbox for only the Keeper to lock/unlock a character sheet when it is done. 4. The adding of new abilities should only be possible for the Keeper to do, or remove. Being able to rename and remove nearly all of the abilities would be great; this way I as a Keeper can give them a personal touch, allso I never liked 'Outdoors(man)'. 5. A function for 'Dedicated pool' would be nice. Maybe a Keepers-only-box for each ability, that a numerical can be added to whithout unlocking the character. I hope this is not to much to wish for, it would be great and make it possible to use your great platform allso for GUMSHOE gaming. If I can be of assistence you can reach by mail on: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1664021753
I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right place, but I'm playing D&amp;D on Roll20 and can't seem to find a way to share my character sheet with another player (so they can view it without editing). I see in an old archived thread from 8 years ago someone requested that feature, but was told there was only an edit option at that point, not an option to just view/share the sheet with other players. This seems like a fairly simple fix, but I'm not a programmer, so I'm not sure. Is there a way to do this now? If not, can I officially re-request this feature? Here's the original thread, if it matters at all:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thank you!
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You (or more correctly, the GM) can set permissions so that is in their journal. This gives them the ability to read the bio page, but not the sheet. Control is a different permission, and yes, if they can see the mechanical sheet, they can edit it. Since this is unlikely to change soon (as you say, the suggestion has been asked some time ago), may I ask what you are trying to accomplish? There might be other ways to achieve your specific goal.
The purpose is for collaborating on our backstories/just fully being able to see/appreciate each other's work in character development, and having a friend who was another player help brainstorm what spells might be flavored as in-game, etc. I copied and pasted what I could, and had to take screenshots of other spots. Seeing the bio sheet would be most of what I was looking for, though it doesn't have the specific ideals/flaws/etc, spells, and some other info. I worked around it, I just wish I didn't have to, especially if they're so close with already offering an option to at least share the bio pieces.
Forum Champion
Nikita said: The purpose is for collaborating on our backstories/just fully being able to see/appreciate each other's work in character development, and having a friend who was another player help brainstorm what spells might be flavored as in-game, etc. I copied and pasted what I could, and had to take screenshots of other spots. Seeing the bio sheet would be most of what I was looking for, though it doesn't have the specific ideals/flaws/etc, spells, and some other info. I worked around it, I just wish I didn't have to, especially if they're so close with already offering an option to at least share the bio pieces. You can put that information on the Bio &amp; Info tab, that can be shared without giving permission to control your character.&nbsp; "In Player's Journals" is the permission that needs to be assigned to everyone if you want to share your bio.&nbsp;

Edited 1664749378
Call of Cthulhu by Roll20 sheets need some attention. Some of the older Call of Cthulhu sheets had the option of choosing which game you played like Pulp Cthulhu or Down Darker Trails or Dark Ages or even by the Edition you played. the by Roll20 Call of Cthulhu sheets should have these optional layouts like those sheets added. A simple toggle that would have a place for Pulp Talents or whatever Edition specific skill or ability is called for. Look at the player made versions of those sheets to figure out what is needed.
M.A.G.U.S. UTK I would greatly appreciate it if someone would update the character sheet mentioned above. In the current version, everything has to be entered by hand and almost nothing is calculated automatically. I know that the rulebook is not in English, which can make things difficult. But I hope it will be ready at some point. Thank you very much!
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evens said: M.A.G.U.S. UTK I would greatly appreciate it if someone would update the character sheet mentioned above. In the current version, everything has to be entered by hand and almost nothing is calculated automatically. I know that the rulebook is not in English, which can make things difficult. But I hope it will be ready at some point. Thank you very much! Hi evens! I don't think that's an official "by Roll20" sheet, which is what this thread is for. You might have luck by contacting the author:&nbsp;Gergely Laufer or possibly&nbsp; Tocy .
Marketplace Creator
So, I own the Rim of the Frostmaiden book and I bought it on Roll20 as well. One major this is missing in the Roll20 version...the character sheet. The book has such a cool one. Anyway to add it on Roll20?

Edited 1669361755
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If you are talking about these , I don't think so. AFAIK, they were an online promotional offering from Wizards of the Coast. Were they released in the print book?