Hi, Suddently I have an issue with my plyalist macro. I haven't modify it recently and the link of some of them is broken. For exemple the first dragon button doesn't work because of some "<td>" tag instead of "=" wich are not in the macro code but the first sword icon with same code except playlist name work. I'm using chrome  Version 101.0.4951.54 (Build officiel) (64 bits) on windows Tell me if you need more information but since it's the transformation from [button](link) into a link which seems the problem I don't see any useful log I can provide PS : I clean my cache, reload the page and try to replace icon by text and it doesn't change anything. Something weird or am I missing something ? first dragon button (I circle in blue the button and the link roll20 will execute which of course doesn't work with the tag) first sword button  complete macro code : /w gm &{template:DnD35StdRoll} {{npcflag=true}} {{name=Musique}}{{[🛑](!roll20AM --audio,stop|)[🗺️](! #GM-Play-Carte)[😟](!roll20AM --audio,stop| --audio,play|SPE-Suspens)[😱](!roll20AM --audio,stop| --audio,play|SPE-Stressant)[🏎️](!roll20AM --audio,stop| --audio,play|SPE-CoursePoursuite)[✌️](!roll20AM --audio,stop| --audio,play|SPE-Victoire)}}{{[🔀](!roll20AM --config)[🐉](!roll20AM --audio,stop| --edit,playlistMode=randomLoop --audio,play|Epic)[⚔️](!roll20AM --audio,stop| --edit,playlistMode=randomLoop  --audio,play|Combat)[⚠️](!roll20AM --audio,stop| --edit,playlistMode=randomLoop  --audio,play|Inquietant)[❔](!roll20AM --audio,stop| --audio,play|Etrange)[🌴](!roll20AM --audio,stop| --edit,playlistMode=randomLoop  --audio,play|Jungle)[🌳](!roll20AM --audio,stop| --edit,playlistMode=randomLoop  --audio,play|Forêt)[⛰️](!roll20AM --audio,stop| --edit,playlistMode=randomLoop  --audio,play|Souterrain)}}{{[▶️](!roll20AM --config,menu=Combat)[🐉](!roll20AM --config,menu=Epic)[⚔️](!roll20AM --config,menu=Combat)[⚠️](!roll20AM --config,menu=Inquietant)[❔](!roll20AM --config,menu=Etrange)[🌴](!roll20AM --config,menu=Jungle)[🌳](!roll20AM --config,menu=Forêt)[⛰️](!roll20AM --config,menu=Souterrain)}}{{[Spécifique](!roll20AM --config,menu=Spe)[♻️Clean](! #GM-Clean)}} some other button wich ar'ent working with "<a>" tag