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Roll20 2022 Product Updates

2022 has been a fast-moving year for the team at Roll20. Let’s take a look back at what we’ve accomplished so far and chat about what updates are planned for the summer and fall. And if you haven’t read it yet, be sure to check out  our goal of closing five of your top ten Suggestions & Ideas  from the forums! Watch the video or read the blog post !
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Very exciting! The window/door interface looks like it will be intuitive and easy to implement. Smart Image Placement has me very curious.
Marketplace Creator
I am curious if Roll20 is going to follow what D&Dbeyond is giving away Acquisitions Incorporated.
I am looking forward to the Doors and Windows!
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Kinda sad to see that non of the stuff that I am interested in is on the schedule for being developed, but I hope a lot of people will enjoy the stuff coming up :)
Nice to see some progress, but hard not to be disappointed with what isn't on the list. No mention of custom compendiums seems conspicuously absent.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Matt Beck said: Nice to see some progress, but hard not to be disappointed with what isn't on the list. No mention of custom compendiums seems conspicuously absent. They've been absent for a long, long, time and probably will continue to be so. The compendium is not a simple thing at all , there are countless dependencies and they would work differently on every single sheet. It would be nice to see some kind of template tool that can write to character sheets, but that's probably a better task for API writers. (a well-constructed ChatSetAttr macro can do a lot). I mean, yeah, it would be super nice to have, but folks should be aware that Roll20 has said that they are unlikely to happen in any foreseeable future.
Sheet Author
keithcurtis said: Matt Beck said: Nice to see some progress, but hard not to be disappointed with what isn't on the list. No mention of custom compendiums seems conspicuously absent. They've been absent for a long, long, time and probably will continue to be so. The compendium is not a simple thing at all , there are countless dependencies and they would work differently on every single sheet. It would be nice to see some kind of template tool that can write to character sheets, but that's probably a better task for API writers. (a well-constructed ChatSetAttr macro can do a lot). I mean, yeah, it would be super nice to have, but folks should be aware that Roll20 has said that they are unlikely to happen in any foreseeable future. I'm hoping for one that is basically just a database for handouts with no drag/drop capability at all.  I just want to be able to have a central place to update homebrew and unsupported game system info and have that available in game without needing to use the transmogrifier to update games in progress anytime I add something to my base game.  I also want to be able to have more than one, so that I can have a Pathfinder 1E, a different one for Palladium Fantasy, etc.  I understand that probably isn't what most other people are after with a custom compendium though...
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Yeah, I dabbled a bit in these threads, but it would be nice to have something a bit more user-friendly: 5e Class Feature writer  -  API, Shaped Sheet,  Requires user data input to preserve licensed IP OGL Sheet Inventory Writer  - API
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
keithcurtis said: Matt Beck said: Nice to see some progress, but hard not to be disappointed with what isn't on the list. No mention of custom compendiums seems conspicuously absent. They've been absent for a long, long, time and probably will continue to be so. The compendium is not a simple thing at all , there are countless dependencies and they would work differently on every single sheet. It would be nice to see some kind of template tool that can write to character sheets, but that's probably a better task for API writers. (a well-constructed ChatSetAttr macro can do a lot). I mean, yeah, it would be super nice to have, but folks should be aware that Roll20 has said that they are unlikely to happen in any foreseeable future. I hope this changes, because to stay relevant, they really need to get this figured out ASAP. D&D Beyond and FVTT both have it.  And I know D&D Beyond isn't a VTT, also wouldn't take much to get make it one...
For as long as I have been a member of Roll20, the Suggestions forum has frequently been viewed as being a waste of time.  The thought was that Roll20 developed whatever they wanted regardless of how many votes a suggestion received. If this focus on implementing 5 of the top 10 suggestions is followed through on, that could help to start changing that perception.  It would be great if Roll20 maintained or provided an easy way for users to see what the "top 10 suggestions" are currently.  We have functionality to filter by status, what about a top10 filter?  That would provide a level of transparency and accountability. -Adam
Also regarding the BUG Forum, how about archiving some of the threads there, e.g. those whose problems have been solved?
Overhead weather layer!!!  Now that is something I've been pining for.  I use clunky gifs on the map layer, but I really wanted a dedicated in-game mechanic with tweakable options.  Light rain, hard rain, snow, lightning, etc. 
JASON H. said: Overhead weather layer!!!  Now that is something I've been pining for.  I use clunky gifs on the map layer, but I really wanted a dedicated in-game mechanic with tweakable options.  Light rain, hard rain, snow, lightning, etc.  +1 for this!
TheMarkus1204 said: Also regarding the BUG Forum, how about archiving some of the threads there, e.g. those whose problems have been solved? That would require fixing some of the bugs.

Edited 1653500910
Roll20 Team
If this focus on implementing 5 of the top 10 suggestions is followed through on, that could help to start changing that perception.  It would be great if Roll20 maintained or provided an easy way for users to see what the "top 10 suggestions" are currently.  We don't have the ability to do that through the forums, but we are using the blog to update folks on what we're working on out of those top feature requests. Here's the latest update (and another coming pretty soon). We've also been posting updates in open threads: Page Menu Organization Folders for Macros, Tables, Decks Allow the GM to delete a line in the chat text Hover to see token name and bars Also regarding the BUG Forum, how about archiving some of the threads there, e.g. those whose problems have been solved? We close out the ones we resolve, but we don't want to archive in case someone else has the same problem and can find the solution there. No mention of custom compendiums seems conspicuously absent. Our commitment to transparency means that if we don't have an update, we aren't going to say "coming soon" when there's other work that has to be done first to open the way. We are researching it and will share when we can!
Forum Champion
Suggestions Forum can be sorted by Most-Popular. From there the Top 10 will be the highest-listed 10 Suggestions that aren't already marked COMPLETED. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Just go down the list, ignoring the ones that are already Completed, and you'll have the Top 10 easily. Bianca said: If this focus on implementing 5 of the top 10 suggestions is followed through on, that could help to start changing that perception.&nbsp; It would be great if Roll20 maintained or provided an easy way for users to see what the "top 10 suggestions" are currently.&nbsp; We don't have the ability to do that through the forums, but we are using the blog to update folks on what we're working on out of those top feature requests.&nbsp;
keithcurtis said: Yeah, I dabbled a bit in these threads, but it would be nice to have something a bit more user-friendly: 5e Class Feature writer &nbsp;-&nbsp; API,&nbsp;Shaped Sheet,&nbsp; Requires user data input to preserve licensed IP OGL Sheet Inventory Writer &nbsp;- API That inventory macro is great! This is exactly the kind of functionality I wanted from chatsetattr but don't have the time/energy to sit down and figure out myself. Thanks for your work.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I hope it still works. I haven't even looked at it in who knows how long.
Thanks for all the hard work, I look forward to seeing how 2022 pans out&nbsp;
keithcurtis said: I hope it still works. I haven't even looked at it in who knows how long. Looks like it works!
The inventory writer works for me also, although apparently trying to set hasattack to 0 (the default) generates a sheetworker error in the API log (but does not affect anything that I can see). Adding items with attacks creates a blank entry in the Attacks &amp; Spellcasting block, but otherwise works. And thanks for creating this, it will be very useful for store handouts in my game.

Edited 1654097495
The inventory writer actually got me off my butt to write an Excel macro worksheet that will accept 5E stats and output a chatsetattr macro that will add the stats and the correct modifiers to a NPC. I may add some more error catching and documentation and release it in the wild. Here are the elements that it adds to the the character: size, type and alignment ac ac type HD, HP, and HP calculation (based on size, chosen hit dice, and Con modifier) speed (based on numbers entered for speed, burrow, climb, flight [hover yes/no], and swim) ability scores (with mods based on score entered) CR (with proficiency bonus based on CR chosen) languages entered senses (based on number entered for darkvision, tremorsense, blindsight, and truesight, and the perception skill) save bonuses skills (based on whether or not the creature is proficient or expert) resistances/immunities/condition immunities/vulnerabilities (based on yes/no) It doesn't have a great interface, but it does format things such that it saves me a lot of time entering a creature and it looks like a creature should.
It is a good system for NPC importing, with some minor modifications. I have added so many that way.