Is there any plan to include a more robust version of the dice roller in the future? There are a lot of calculations that are simply like pulling teeth which to my mind should be fairly standard with a dice roller that is meant to support multiple game types. Not the least of which is the inability currently to have a single operand return successes that are greater than/less than or EQUAL to a value. Currently we can only do greater or lesser but we can not include an equal to option. That is a pretty big mathematical issue. Another glaring issue is the inability to set a manual critical range such as 1d20^17 that highlights anything above a 17 as a critical. Currently I can create exploding pools and even set what value each compounding explosion triggers on but I can't actually control when the die gets highlighted in chat as a critical. That is something used in nearly every single d20 system and has significant uses in other game systems as well. As well I can not set what is considered a critical failure. Currently the roller will highlight any roll that returns it's minimum value but I can't set a range or even disable that unless all dice in a grouping return their minimum value. Those are the biggest ones I can think of but that still brings me back to the initial question on if there is any plans to improve the dice roller of if the ownus from here on out is entirely on the API and the community support?