So I see a lot of new players showing up and looking for an introduction. I've got free weekdays, and I don't mind teaching, so why not. Here's the deal; I'm thinking of Thursdays, but that's up for negotiation. If you're a new player, easy to get along with, and want to learn how to play some games, give me a shout. Skype voice will be required, that's how I do my stuff. I'll be happy to run sessions explaining everything from character creation to getting in-character and roleplaying (can be quite a task for new and/or shy players), and running some lengthy one-shot adventures that should last enough time to get everything down. If that's your thing, let me know. I'll probably take like, 6 people for a group at most, I just can't handle more than that. EDIT: Also, my timezone is EST. So, make sure that works for you.