Hi All,
The early access release of Blade Runner is out, and in case someone wants to play on Roll20 I have created an unofficial and (as of yet) unpublished character sheet for the game.
The Roll20 modules for this game was unlocked during the Kickstarter, but so far it isn't clear if that also includes an official character sheet. I have emailed the publisher Free League to ask, but not received an answer yet. Since building character sheets is a kind of a hobby of mine, I started working on one and all of a sudden had a completed sheet. I have been lucky to have a new friend in Australia help me test the early versions, thanks Carl N!
For those who may want to play this game while in alpha and have Pro accounts here, you can use the sheet I created as a custom sheet in your game.
You can download the html and css file from here: https://github.com/dwarfwing/Blade-Runner.
Please note that this sheet is currently unsanctioned by the publisher, which is why it isn't published to Roll20 either. Use as is, there is no guarantee that it will ever be published here. If this changes then I will provide an update for you in these forums.
The sheet includes:
- Rolling for attributes and skills using a roll template
- Weapon attack rolls, and a repeating section to add more than three weapons (if ever needed)
- Advantage and disadvantage rolls with mechanics implemented in the rolltemplate
- Pushing the latest roll, based on roll template so no need for an API script (like other YZE games)
- Help rolls, made by the character that is helping according to the mechanics of the game
- Health and Resolve calculations
- Time report tab
The sheet does not include:
- There are no default sheet settings (i.e. no sheet.json)
- There is no translation support (i.e. no translation.json nor i18n in html)
Please let me know if you use this sheet and what you think about it, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged.
Best Regards,