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Blade Runner RPG character sheet - unofficial and unpublished

July 07 (2 years ago)

Edited July 08 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Hi All,

The early access release of Blade Runner is out, and in case someone wants to play on Roll20 I have created an unofficial and (as of yet) unpublished character sheet for the game. 

The Roll20 modules for this game was unlocked during the Kickstarter, but so far it isn't clear if that also includes an official character sheet. I have emailed the publisher Free League to ask, but not received an answer yet. Since building character sheets is a kind of a hobby of mine, I started working on one and all of a sudden had a completed sheet. I have been lucky to have a new friend in Australia help me test the early versions, thanks Carl N!

For those who may want to play this game while in alpha and have Pro accounts here, you can use the sheet I created as a custom sheet in your game. 
You can download the html and css file from here: 

Please note that this sheet is currently unsanctioned by the publisher, which is why it isn't published to Roll20 either. Use as is, there is no guarantee that it will ever be published here. If this changes then I will provide an update for you in these forums.  

The sheet includes:

  • Rolling for attributes and skills using a roll template
  • Weapon attack rolls, and a repeating section to add more than three weapons (if ever needed) 
  • Advantage and disadvantage rolls with mechanics implemented in the rolltemplate
  • Pushing the latest roll, based on roll template so no need for an API script (like other YZE games)
  • Help rolls, made by the character that is helping according to the mechanics of the game
  • Health and Resolve calculations  
  • Time report tab

The sheet does not include:

  • There are no default sheet settings (i.e. no sheet.json)
  • There is no translation support (i.e. no translation.json nor i18n in html)

Please let me know if you use this sheet and what you think about it, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged. 

Best Regards,

July 07 (2 years ago)

Edited July 07 (2 years ago)
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Hey Richard, I get an error 404 on your repo link.

Edit: ah, looks like the period got included in the web address by Roll20's link detection.

July 07 (2 years ago)

Edited July 07 (2 years ago)
Sheet Author

Do community sheets need to be sanctioned by companies now?

July 07 (2 years ago)

Edited July 07 (2 years ago)
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Not typically. Usually a community sheet can coexist with an official sheet.

Richard, there's an issue with the sheet code though. I notice that you're using the Roll20Async pattern from Onyx Ring. While I wish that this pattern worked, unfortunately using the Roll20Async pattern makes the sheet completely incompatible with API scripts that work on character sheets like chatSetAttr, !ammo, and Token Mod. This is because the methods and objects that the Roll20Async pattern relies on don't exist in the API sandbox and so the API sandbox's version of the character sheet will error out and potentially crash the API sandbox.

July 08 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Hi All,

@Scott C, thanks for pointing this out, I updated the link in the link in the post.
Also, the use of the Async methods was a matter of convenience when developing this fairly quickly. I don't see any issues changing that, but I am also not really understanding the incompatibility. Is there any posts where this incompatibility is discussed? I would like to understand how e.g. chatSetAttr would be interfered by using the Async methods in a function called by an action button from the chat. I have used these methods in another sheet and not heard any complaints that API scripts are not working, so just want to understand what the issue is and how it may affect users of the sheet. 

@David, like Scott said they don't unless I guess there is something proprietary in the sheet or as far as I understand it a charactermancer, but I wanted to make sure that it was clear that this is something that may or may not end up as a community sheet. I have no problem publishing it on Roll20, but also dont want to cause problems by doing so. The game itself is also in Early Access, so perhaps this is an Early Access sheet as well. 

I have had a report that the push rolls in the sheet are misbehaving, I have attempted to implement the pushing mechanics through the parsed rolls and roll template only without reverting to building a API script. There are some limitation in what mechanisms I can use, so I have had to cut some corners. I will look into improving the pushed rolls, but I am also going on leave for 3 weeks so will not have as much coding time. 

Thanks for feedback everyone, much appreciated!

July 08 (2 years ago)

Looks awesome! Loving the roll buttons and roll template. It's common not to have that level of functionality even in sheets for long established games. For an early access version of the game, this is an incredible resource! Many thanks.

July 08 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Small update,

I fixed the push roll mechanics that Godsbane found, and will plan to move away from the Async methods once I am back from leave. I added a Early Access banner as well to show the state of the game and sheet both. 

Based on Scotts feedback I may publish this to the Roll20 character sheets repo this weekend, and in case Free League release an official sheet then this can be an alternate community sheet. I do no like publishing things ju before going on extended leave though (3 weeks traveling), so will see how confident I feel about the sheet tomorrow.  

Thanks all,

July 08 (2 years ago)

Edited July 08 (2 years ago)
Sheet Author

Richard W. said:

Small update,

I fixed the push roll mechanics that Godsbane found, and will plan to move away from the Async methods once I am back from leave. I added a Early Access banner as well to show the state of the game and sheet both. 

Based on Scotts feedback I may publish this to the Roll20 character sheets repo this weekend, and in case Free League release an official sheet then this can be an alternate community sheet. I do no like publishing things ju before going on extended leave though (3 weeks traveling), so will see how confident I feel about the sheet tomorrow.  

Thanks all,

Please make sure this is labelled as an alpha or pre-release in the repository folder name so Roll20 doesn't lock out the possibility of a another community sheet if there are major changes made in the released version as has happened with the Free League Twilight 2000 community sheet.

July 08 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Hi David,

Appreciate the input, that can definitely be done. I am however considering keeping this sheet up to date with any changes to the released version, so even though the sheet is in Early Access mode right now I will definitely not stop developing it further according to the released rules and mechanics. I also want to ensure people know that there is a sheet in the making and call out if someone else is doing it too (as with The One Ring, that turned into a great community collaboration). 

I am trying to be transparent here to try to avoid any misunderstandings or drama, and while doing that hoping to not stir up any misunderstanding or drama :) 

Best Regards,

July 08 (2 years ago)
Sheet Author

Richard W. said:

Hi David,

Appreciate the input, that can definitely be done. I am however considering keeping this sheet up to date with any changes to the released version, so even though the sheet is in Early Access mode right now I will definitely not stop developing it further according to the released rules and mechanics. I also want to ensure people know that there is a sheet in the making and call out if someone else is doing it too (as with The One Ring, that turned into a great community collaboration). 

If they change things like attributes or skill names there are going to be issues with supporting people still using the pre-release version.

July 08 (2 years ago)

Thank you for building this sheet. I'm about to run a BR game and this helps a lot. 
Question; is this what the sheet preview should look like or am I missing something in the code?

July 08 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

I think when you load the sheet you need to make sure that Legacy Sanitation is turned off, or it will look like that.

Let me know if that helps...  

July 08 (2 years ago)

Richard W. said:

I think when you load the sheet you need to make sure that Legacy Sanitation is turned off, or it will look like that.

Let me know if that helps...  

Legacy sanitation is not on. 

July 08 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Ok, and you also loaded the CSS file content in the CSS Styling tab?

Aside from that I don't know what could be the issue. 

July 08 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Wait, yes, sorry, it does look like that in the preview. I suggest you go into the game and check there. The Preview is less than perfect when it comes to displaying what the sheet actually looks like. 

July 08 (2 years ago)

Richard W. said:

Wait, yes, sorry, it does look like that in the preview. I suggest you go into the game and check there. The Preview is less than perfect when it comes to displaying what the sheet actually looks like. 

Gotcha. Ok I'll give that a whirl. Thanks!

July 08 (2 years ago)

Richard W. said:

Wait, yes, sorry, it does look like that in the preview. I suggest you go into the game and check there. The Preview is less than perfect when it comes to displaying what the sheet actually looks like. 

Holy sh!t dude that looks amazing. 
Thanks again :D

July 09 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

I have decided I want to put this in the Community sheet repo, so started a thread for that here:

July 10 (2 years ago)

Richard W. said:

I have decided I want to put this in the Community sheet repo, so started a thread for that here:

FYI, it looks like resolve isn't adjusting for Replicant characters

July 10 (2 years ago)

Victor N. said:

Richard W. said:

I have decided I want to put this in the Community sheet repo, so started a thread for that here:

FYI, it looks like resolve isn't adjusting for Replicant characters

Just added a -1, -2 option in the HTML

July 31 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Hi Viktor,

I was on vacation and came back day before yesterday, but I made an update last week that includes the adjustments for replicants automatically so in that version you wouldn't need the manual modification. 


August 01 (2 years ago)

Many thanks, and i hope you had a pleasant vacation. However during our second session one player noticed that the “push” mechanic wasn’t working. Perhaps you could take a look?

August 01 (2 years ago)

Edited August 01 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator


Thanks for the report!

I am working on some thing for the sheet today, including adding the critical roll jnformation for both damage and stress. I will check this issue as part of that too, also noticed that Advantage and Disadvatage rolls for the repeating section of weapons doesnt work.

How are the game going for you? The group enjoy it?

August 01 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Hi Wazza,

I haven't been able to reproduce the situation you show above. Did you say it only occurred for one player, while the other were ok? Feel free to PM me for further discussion...


August 02 (2 years ago)

It was for one playing running a replicant character. I’ll use the new version and report back.

August 02 (2 years ago)

And thx again for all your hard work, much appreciated!

August 17 (2 years ago)

August 18 (2 years ago)

The colour of the eye symbol in successes changed

August 18 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Thanks for reporting, I will review this evening.

Once the files are in the Roll20 code repository then I will redirect to those rather than the ones in my repo.This may be the issue right now.

This sheet is currently in review by Roll20, will update this forum when I receive feedback from them.

August 18 (2 years ago)

Edited August 18 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator


I checked this and the link to the eye icon in the rolltemplate had a spelling mistake, I fixed this so if you download the bladerunner.css file again it should now we Ok. 

Please let me know if for some reason this doesn't fix it. 

Best Regards and Thanks for reporting,

August 19 (2 years ago)

Error fixed,thanks.

September 08 (2 years ago)

Edited September 08 (2 years ago)

Hi Richard, from a fellow Richard, I've pasted the text from various css and html and translation files in under the tabs of the sheet editor, following the readme from r20. It's just a wall of text in the preview and in the game. Uploading your repo files to the sandbox it is working perfectly. One thing I notice is there's a lot of these lozenges which come up as "OBJ" blocks inside the game. I am using Chrome latest build if that helps.

EDIT: Even the plain text editor I used to c&p the .html file added junk in - I went to the RAW tab in Richard's repository and copied the plain text from there. It works fantastically, thank you so much. I paid extra so there could be VTT functionality in roll 20 so let's hope it comes soon...


September 08 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Hi fellow Richard!

It could be that you have ticked the "Use legacy sanitation" option, which isnt needed for the BR sheet. Can you confirm if that may be the issue?

The preview in the editor isnt something to rely on, not many sheets render in there anymore.

Hope this helps!


September 08 (2 years ago)

Edited September 08 (2 years ago)

Hi, So i'm messing around with the sheet and Apparently the dot is opposite what is selected? I see the default checked box is human but it shows the dot on the replicant side.

September 08 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

If the dot is completely filled or solid then it is the one selected. I suppose that can be made more obvious, I may work on that to make clearer. Thanks for the input, much appreciated!

October 25 (2 years ago)

What template for the other Free League games would be the closest to the eventual Blade Runner RGP template?  Is there a generic or customizable Free League template available to Plus subscribers?

October 26 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Although the Free League games all use a version of the Year Zero Engine, they are a bit different and some more so. The Blade Runner version is most similar to Twilight 2000 4e, with the use of attribute and skill ranks from A to F corresponding to different die sizes. 

There are sheets available here on Roll20 to all for all released Free League games, and Blade Runner will be released in November. There will be an official sheet released on Roll20 around that time, meanwhile the Pro subscribers can use the one mentioned in this thread as a custom sheet.

Best Regards,

November 23 (2 years ago)

I bumped up to Pro and was able to pull in the custom character sheet from Github.  It looks fantastic!  The dice calculations for success and fail seem to be spot on! 
I played one in-person session, and it appears that time management is pretty key to the story progression at least for the story module include with the game.  Is there a way to create a shift log worksheet?  Something that could have sections that the players can see, and hidden fields that only the GM can see would be a valuable tool for the game.   

November 23 (2 years ago)

David D. said:

I bumped up to Pro and was able to pull in the custom character sheet from Github.  It looks fantastic!  The dice calculations for success and fail seem to be spot on! 
I played one in-person session, and it appears that time management is pretty key to the story progression at least for the story module include with the game.  Is there a way to create a shift log worksheet?  Something that could have sections that the players can see, and hidden fields that only the GM can see would be a valuable tool for the game.   

I re-did the .html page and I now see the Time Tracker.  This is a pretty amazing sheet.  Well done!

November 24 (2 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Thanks David!

December 07 (2 years ago)
Blade runner official character sheet is available ,but I think it is worse than your character sheet
December 08 (2 years ago)

@ Grunner, what is the sheet called, as it is either not loading correctly for me or I haven't loaded it in properly

December 08 (2 years ago)

The official sheet seems broken. The animation on it can’t be switched off but I suspect this might be why it lags, takes a few seconds to load when scrolling, and on top of that the results don’t load properly in the chat box. And most of the compendium is missing as well.  

December 09 (2 years ago)

Blade Runner RPG by Free League ,(The name of the official character sheet).

December 09 (2 years ago)

The official character sheet doesn´t have check armor