Hi all. I've built and have managed to get a macro to a point I'm 90% happy with from all the huge help from this forum, but I'm wondering if there's a way to take this macro and total all the damage at the end rather than have it all broken out by damage. Originally our DM mentioned that it would be great to have it broken out so he could know when he needed to reduce any of the damage, but now that I'm getting 3+ attacks a turn it's just increasing the time to add up all the damage. Any help would be greatly appreciated :) &{template:default} {{name=The Serpent's Heart}} {{Attack Roll= [[1d20cs>20 + @{Redding|strength_mod}[STR] + 3[ITEM] + @{Redding|pb}[PROF] [To Hit] ]] | [[1d20cs>20 + @{Redding|strength_mod}[STR] + 3[ITEM] + @{Redding|pb}[PROF] [To Hit]]] vs. AC }} {{Weapon= [[?{Damage Die Roll|1-Hand,1d8 + 3 + 2 + @{Redding|strength_mod}[STR]|2-Hand,1d10 + 3 + @{Redding|strength_mod}[STR]}+?{Rage|Yes,2[RAGE]|No,0[NORAGE]}]] }} {{Lightning= [[1d8]] }} {{Necrotic= [[1d8]] }} {{?{Invoke Fire Rune|No,Rune -No-|Yes, Invoke Fire Rune 'Ild'= DC [[8 + @{Redding|pb}[PROF] + @{Redding|strength_mod}[STR] ]] STR Save – If failed get restrained for 1 minute (Can re-save on end of turn)} }}