Aaron said: There would be no increased load on the servers from having an orc warrior in more than one folder, any more than it uses more of your storage to have the same graphic on more than one map. It's a matter of data organization, not data duplication. Look at any of 10,000 database indexing white papers for ways to handle it. In fact, behind the scenes, such an organization system could be achieved with tags. =P Of course, in order to get nested folder behavior to work properly with tags, you'd need AND searches. An object in "folder" npc/monster/undead/Mage/ could simply be a tag search for objects with exactly the tags npc, monster, undead, and Mage (no more, no less). Then you also display any tags which are on objects containing those as well. (Eg, if there's an npc-monster-undead-Mage-dragon, the npc/monster/undead/Mage folder doesn't display it, but does display the dragon "folder". As a bonus, you don't need to follow the same "folder" path every time to reach your destination; dragon/npc/Mage/monster/undead/ works just as well.) All of that is simply a change to the display and searching of tags, not a change to the storage of them. Unless you're running mklink all over the place on files on your PC, tags can accomplish more than folders can. However, a lot of people have folders ingrained into them by existing operating systems, and likely by real-world filing cabinets, too.