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[LFP][Pathfinder 2E][Paid] Homebrew Golarion campaign inspired by the relics of Kazavon

Hey all, we are currently looking for 3-5 more players for a Golarion homebrew campaign. I have been working on this campaign for a few years, connecting dots hidden in a lot of the lore to put together an apocalyptic and epic quest to save the planet. Synopsis Those who have played Curse of the Crimson Throne or Skulls and Shackles may be familiar with one or more of the relics of Kazavon. 7 artifacts left behind by the corpse of an ancient blue dragon cleric of Zon Kuthon, who's defeat brought the end to an age of darkness. Now, with the help of a sentient, artifact slaying sword created by the god Abadar, a party of adventurers seeks out these relics which have been scattered across the land. Soon, they find themselves in a race against time against the cultists of Zon-Kuthon, completely overstepping their ground in this desperate move to collect the artifacts for their sinister plots. Through their journey, the party of adventurers will find more about their individual truths and destinies, and encounter iconic characters and environments of Golarion on an epic quest. There will be political intrigue, dungeons, and vile agents of evil on this adventure to prevent a new age of darkness.  Character Creation Character creation will be done on Roll20 before or during session zero using the Pathfinder 2e system (all books). Currently expecting to use the variant free archetype system that grants free archetype feats as you level but we will leave it up to a group vote once we have the players established. There will be a Discord channel where I am online to assist with character creation. Payment Disclaimer This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $20 through the listing at Alternatively, you can sign up on my Patreon for $80/month. Session Zero and Session 1 will be free, but payment for Session 1 will be collected afterwards if you wish to continue the campaign. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.
Btw, in case you need ideas for party composition, I was the first to join and I chose to play as a Changeling Witch, so we already have a magical damage dealer.
Bumping for a new week and since we haven't gotten anyone yet, so it doesn't get buried by other game threads.