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Showing token name to others UI is missing

We set up some new tokens tonight. We wanted to show token nameplates to other users, but the UI for it is missing. General -> player permissions -> name is missing. We had to use token-mod instead. Has anybody else seen this?

Edited 1661136274
Forum Champion
Could you please post a screenshot? Thanks :)
No player permission for name.
Ok, reading the wiki again, I guess there shouldn't be a specific "name" entry. The wiki implies see and edit should be enough. But only people who can control the token are seeing the nameplate, which was not the case last week.
This worked when the UI failed: !token-mod --set showplayers_name|yes
Hi Terry, While this is NOT a solution to the bug, I have been using the Tooltip to put the token/character/etc. name in as well. It allows me to put full character names in and abbreviated (first name/nickname) in the Name field so the visible tags (when they work) take minimal visual space, but the players can hover over the token and see the full info. Great when dealing with new player characters when people are adjusting to the new names and connected players. Only wish Tooltip had a little more space for other reasons Might be at least a temp work-around if you aren't using that for something else (description, etc.). May all your Wandering Monsters find their maps!
I'm chalking this one up to "diagnosing an issue in the middle of a brand new game when you're not the DM is hard". I've tested it myself and it works. I think we've always had "player permissions - see" on as part of the default settings. I didn't even realize that weird three dot button was there.