Liam holds his hands up defensiveley. "I would not for a moment believe you naive." He smiles, "It is just to determine whether your priorities are athletic or academic in the first instance for determining grouping later in the study." He opens his arms. "Now, I have to be open with you, you are one of the first interviewees for this study, and that is no accident. I am impressed by your record in both areas. This study is important to me, but giving people the chance to make real change now is just as big a fight as the long term social shift. Do you know Matt Murdoch, better known as daredevil? He defends people in court by day, trying to change the system, but he knows that real injustices are happening right now and sometimes people can't wait. This is not a fight I can take on effectively as a man, but I would like to employ you, give you the tools you need to stand up to that coach, and that lecturer, and every other pig on behalf of yourself and everyone else, whilst during the day you can continue to work on the field and in the classroom to change things from the inside. Is that something you would be interested in?"