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Streaming game, looking for page frame URLS

Hey, I am running a Dark Heresy 1e stream on twitch (Yeah, I know I'm adventurous with Games Workshop... being... Copyright Monsters).  But thats not the issue.  I am looking to have one pannel of my stream dedicated to the "chat" window, another dedicated to the map (without toolbars and menus) and if possible one to handle "Handouts" I remember seeing a thread post some years back about their being a specific URL to that handles the map and chat.  I was wondering, if someone might remember the post, or might have the URL so I can use.  Also, any thread that has tips and tricks for streaming games. (No I don't currently use a dummy account, I stream directly from the GM account and trust to the honor system). Thanks in advance.
Sheet Author
I have no idea.&nbsp; If you don't get a specific answer here, I just thought I would point you to the wiki, since I knew it had a page with a bunch of links to various info.&nbsp; I didn't follow them up to see if that spoke about that specific issue, but it might give you some hints if you haven't checked it out yet. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>