I managed to write a macro that will let me select a token, hit the macro button, get cued to pick another macro from the drop-down, and roll it in secret. This was made for Pathfinder 2e, and I'll call this macro "Secret" going forward. /w gm ?{Which macro?|Perception,#PERCEPTION |Acrobatics,#ACROBATICS |Arcana,#ARCANA |Athletics,#ATHLETICS |Crafting,#CRAFTING |Deception,#DECEPTION |Diplomacy,#DIPLOMACY |Intimidation,#INTIMIDATION |Medicine,#MEDICINE |Nature,#NATURE |Occultism,#OCCULTISM |Performance,#PERFORMANCE |Religion,#RELIGION |Society,#SOCIETY |Stealth,#STEALTH |Survival,#SURVIVAL |Thievery,#THIEVERY } While the macros that "Secret" calls all look like some variation of this. @{selected|token_name} looks and listens for [[1d20+(@{selected|Perception})]] on perception! While it does work I wanted to incorporate a way for it to also ask me for a bonus/penalty. + ?{Misc. Attack Bonus/Penalty?|0} But if I try and throw that into any of the macros that "Secret" calls, it gets confused (if I'm reading the wiki right, roll20 isn't smart enough to separate too many of these { or } ???). While I could just bite the bullet and throw all of those macros into my shortcut bar, I would like to avoid cluttering my interface if at all possible. Is there a way to make one macro that asks me for an attribute/macro and then ask me for a bonus to add or subtract?