The Megacorporations spent decades wrecking everything and in the aftermath of their last War, everyone has to fend for themselves. In the Cyberpunk RED world of vicious boostergangs, rampaging cyborgs, corporate assassins, and nihilistic doomsday cults, there’s only one rule: Always take it to the Edge. The Cyberpunk RED by Roll20 character sheet just received major updates and there has never been a better time to enhance it further with the content unlocked in the Core Rulebook. Enjoy 40% off for a limited time only! The Cyberpunk RED Core Rulebook on Roll20 includes: A dense, deep-dive into the history and geography of Night City and the greater Cyberpunk world, and lore about the Time of the Red An Art Pack for players and NPCs alike featuring pre-made tokens and handouts 10 roles like the Rockerboy and Medtech with lifepaths and role abilities 275+ items including the Battleglove, Food Stick, and Militech Cowboy 100+ pieces of cyberware including the Sandevistan, Cybereye, Cyberdecks, and EMP Threading Plus, you’ll get a Night City map and over 100 rollable tables to help you plan your life-path, create encounters and NET architecture, and randomly generate bodegas and vendit contents. Our interactive character sheet has been revamped for you to create your own specialized edgerunner.