Just throwing a lure out there, I know most player threads don't matter, so I'm not expecting much. I'm basically a full-time DM, currently running a game Friday and Tuesday, with Sundays being busy with a one-shot for the next couple weeks. I'm looking to get a chance to play some Pathfinder (though 4E and FantasyCraft and 3.5 are acceptable), with the caveat that in Pathfinder, I'm trying to get some playtime using the classes from Dreamscarred's Path of War series (3.5's Tome of Battle, but for Pathfinder). I'm in the market for a solid group, a dedicated DM, and no roleplay/combat dichotomy, I like to get my roleplaying mixed in with my fighting. Character interaction and challenging fights and puzzles. Adventure Paths are ok, if they're handled really well. Skype or other voice please, no text. That's it. If I have to bribe people with the offer to DM one-shots or something in the future, I'll do that, but I'm trying to get a chance to play for once.