(4e btw) So, I have a big massive wall of text in mind, but let us go with no on that shall we? I am looking for a dm to join me in running my campaign, either as a co(more responsibility) or sub DM. Or even a co AND a sub. My group has many players, all wonderful people... but sadly there are only so many seats at the table each session and many are forced to sideline and I regret this. "Then why did you let so many join?" Because they were looking and not many DM's are piping up here. That and I love teaching new players, certainly so when it is about something I love. If you are interested in the slightest shoot me a PM or an email at <a href="mailto:theresurgenceoftheguild@gmail.com" rel="nofollow">theresurgenceoftheguild@gmail.com</a>