Evening all! I'm using a heavily modified character sheet and the base sheet takes any pair of 10s and counts them as a double, whereas i want to re-roll any 10. I can get this working on the base script, but not when using the API. This is what i think is the current script  in question. how do i need to modify this to re-roll 10s? function addRollDeclarations(diceTotals, outputMessage, endTemplateSection, thebeast) { // Crit bonus is + 2 successes for each PAIR of crits. Thus 2 crits is + 2 successs, 3 crits is + 2 successes. let critBonus = Math.floor((diceTotals.critScore + diceTotals.muddyCritScore) / 2.0) * 2.0; outputMessage += "{{Successes=" + (diceTotals.successScore + critBonus) + endTemplateSection; Cheers Chris