Kat U said: I'm running a D&D game for a large pool of potential players who frequently drop in and out, often including beginners who have never played before. Due to this structure, I need a lot of content but not much plot (which would need to be remembered and recapped from session to session). I play in a Rime of the Frost Maiden campaign, and am very impressed with the production values. Detailed maps, pre-placed tokens, handouts. I mistakenly assumed this would be the standard for WotC products. With that in mind, Dungeon of the Mad Mage seemed like a perfect fit: 25 varying levels of dungeon whose elements are only loosely connected. But the production values are awful. The maps are utterly bare bones, mostly just blank grid with walls but no interior objects, and none of the creatures are placed. There are literally over a thousand details that I need to fill in to make it minimally playable, and probably tens of thousands if I wanted it to be comparable to RotFM. Very disappointed. While others have done an excellent job of explaining alternatives for the style of map found in Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage, I do want to point out that what Kraynic says specifically about the potential confusion of using the map pack instead of the adventure module is very likely the reason you're not seeing maps populated with tokens. Create a game using this module and you should see those elements already present in the conversion. Kraynic said: Just out of curiosity, you didn't buy the map pack addon and install that in your game as well? If you did, that overwrites the module maps with placed monsters with the blank maps from the addon. The addon pack is intended for someone that just wants to use the maps and put in their own content. I don't own either of those things, but I know this has come up in the past. There is a notice about this in the description of the map/card addon pack on it's marketplace page. If you did overwrite the base module, you are probably best served by creating another game with the module and then using the transmogrifier to bring the original (populated) maps into your existing game.