What: A Pathfinder adventure path set in the city of Korvosa, a thriving city home to everything from the largest magic Acadamae in Varisia and a prominent trade economy, to a complex criminal element and underworld, all kept in line by the Order of the Nail Hellknights and Sable Company Marines, and under the eye of the monarchy ruling from the ancient pyramid of a castle towering above the city. This is mostly an urban setting/adventure, at least for the first half of the campaign, and there's huge amounts of setting detail for players to use to craft characters with. People should be familiar with the setting, or willing to get acquainted, relevant splatbooks can be provided for that. Players should expect to build a
character that's tied to the city itself and has meaningful ties to it.
People who can be self-starters and seek out people and things in the
game to interact with will find a lot to do here. Feel free to download and read the Player's
Guide if you want some information about the setting, it's available for
free from Paizo. When: Tuesday evenings, EST. How: Skype voice chat is mandatory, and I use the Skype group to keep in touch with players. Sorry, no text gaming. What you need: A solid enough mastery of the Pathfinder system so things don't get bogged down, an ability to create engaging and interesting characters and no strong desire to powergame or try to compete with the group. I'm not saying there's no combat, but I'd much rather an interesting, if slightly weaker character than one built to steamroll encounters but has no personality. Regular attendance, and a friendly attitude. I'll be taking 5 players, 6 absolutely max, and am looking to start playing probably the second week in September, though I may do things before then. Get in touch with me here via PM, or on Skype (name Askren- with the dash ) with a basic bit about who you are and what you're looking for in a campaign, and we'll talk.