Kilter said: Isn't that what this part does? It seems to work that way in my games, as far as I can tell. New! Nocturnal Vision Nocturnal Vision is a new mode that mimics DnD5e and PF2e rules for Darkvision. When enabled, tokens will have Low Light in No Light areas, and Low Light areas will appear Brightly Lit. This vision can be tinted with any color, though we suggest a grey tint if you’re attempting to make things appear monochrome. Oh! I see. Sorry, you didn't say the purpose of your link, so I thought you were trying to show me Night Vision. Though, low light in no light areas would be incorrect for my uses. I am using PF2E, and Low Light Vision does not convert darkness to low light. Only Low light becomes bright light, so this does not quite help as I want darkness to stay darkness for them.