Hello, I am working on compendium integration, and hen dropping an NPC on the VTT, in order to be able to fill in all his abilities, I have to lookup some details of these abilities in the compendium. So during the drop of the Category NPC page, I have a bunch of getcompendiumpage() firing to go and fetch all the data of all its abilities. For high level character it is maybe 30-40 instances firing up one behind the other in a for loop. For low level characters where there is maybe half that much, all works well, but for high level characters, some ability don't actually fill in, and I have in console a bunch of error messages like below that do correspond to each of the instances that didn't fill in. The abilities that don't fill are somehow different from one time to another, but tend to be at the end of the list 1-Does my hypothesis make sense that the simultaneous lookup in the compendium could be somehow flooding the database ? 2-Do you see anyway to avoid the situation while still looking up each ? (Code a bit too complex to get really extracts)