Short of a dedicated script that can accomplish this, you have a couple of options. ScriptCards is an API that can let you craft your own output with conditionals, loops, etc. It's like a functional language in your command line where the ScriptCards script handles the parsing and interpretation for you. Another option would be metascripts, which work in an existing command line (for either another script or something you intend for the chat panel). A metascript options might look like this, using the default template: !&{template:default}{{name=Proof of Concept}}{{Roll=[[1d20]]}}{&if $[[0]].value = 1}{{Fumble Roll=@{selected|fumble_attribute}}}{&elseif $[[0]].value = 20}{{Critical Roll=@{selected|critical_attribute}}}{&end}{&simple} Of course, you can change the source of the fumble or critical roll (I used attributes of a particular name; you could just use an inline roll). Using the above, when I get a result of 2-19, I get a single line in the template. When I get a 1 or a 20, I get the extra line. Here is an example: