Hi. This site seems broken. I posted messages on a couple different games asking the DM if I could join. When I go back the next day, my message is disappeared. When I look in my user profile, there is nothing under Topics or Replies. It looks like I have never posted here but I have. Also on email I receive an Invitation to Join a game on here. I click the link to accept invite, Roll20 page loads with just the message "Unauthorized" at the top. Then I see a small "1" in pink, drop-down menu near my name at top right. I click it nothing happens. I reload the page, now it says "0" instead of "1". So I feel like I have missed a message, and been unsuccessful in accepting the invite to join a game. How do I join and play? Where are the messages I posted yesterday? Also when I go through the Search engine of this site, I find maybe 3 to 10 games per day, for the 7 days of the week. This makes it appear this site has maybe 20 games going. Yet I read a message from an Admin of this site saying there are 300 games. How do you find 300 games on here?