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Jukebox Folders Please

Score + 29
We can create playlists, but we cannot further organize those playlists into folders. I am not exaggerating when I say that I want this feature more than anything on Roll20. I will continue posting this request until it is realized. GMs (and players) who understand how useful music is for immersion, please upvote this topic enough for Roll20 to care.

Edited 1674243759
Yes please!
This is something I would really like to see in games - the immersion would be so much better!
This definitely helps immerse players into the atmosphere the GM has created for their players.
Yes, please!

Edited 1674580227
Supporting that! I needed to make more folders, because it was chaotic inside the playlists. Now I have too many playlists. Also there exists already a similar feature with the Journal-section, so I don't see how it shouldn't be possible to make it with the Jukebox (maybe a bit more complicated, but still).
Thank you to everyone who has added a bit of momentum to this suggestion. @Defgir Zawa: I agree 100 percent. I don't need any features for these folders; I just want folders. People care about different things for their games. I put a lot of thought into my music selections and make new playlists for each settlement, combat and scene. We can only hope that Roll20 adds this QoL feature for those of us who enjoy the amazing tracks they have available in the Jukebox.

Edited 1676502818
D G.
Would also be good to have Drag and Drop to a folder instead of uploading and then scrolling all the way down to specify. Though @Roll20 I do appreciate having music and sound in my/our games, just to be clear.
Yeah, the jukebox is great to have but those of us who use music excessively feel the limitations. Adding folders to folders would be a great start.