Hello! I am having trouble getting the formula I have for the Favored Foe dice progression nested into a query for whether or not to apply the damage at all. 1d[[{6,14}<@{base_level}*2+4]] The formula by itself works in the damage field for a Global Damage modifier, but it doesn't parse when I nest it into a query. ?{Is this the first hit against your Favored Foe this turn?|Yes,1d[[{6,14&#125;<@{base_level}*2+4]]|No,0} I am familiar enough with nesting to know I needed to replace the } of the Target Number check with its HTML replacement, and not to do the same with the Attribute Call for base_level. The above gets the query to function to the point of having the Yes or No options on the dropdown like they should be, but the Yes option doesn't output anything at all, and the No option functions as it should. Am I missing an HTML replacement or some other necessary bracketing in order to get the roll to parse correctly? Thank you in advance.