As a DM I despise having to set each NPC sheet to toggle advantage and whisper and I hate auto roll damage. most other DMs from here I have spoken too in the past feel the same....so just change the default to both toggles on and auto roll damage off, that simple! awhile back there was a option to change it by default but that was a few years back and the sight updated so it flipped my settings again so just...stop that. won't even be a hard fix.
why are you still reading? go fix it lol. want to know why I hate it? because sometimes I want to roll things in secret without typing a bunch of stuff, also auto roll advantage is confusing to new players and I am tired of having to tell them "no you didn't roll that nat 20, you rolled the one on the right not the left" and no rolling two d20s does not save time, it takes up the same amount of time if not more because I have to explain stuff so toggle helps and points out what roll the player got when rolling with advantage or disadvantage. and auto roll damage is just sadness incarnate because when a player misses and sees they rolled max damage they will be like "I wasted that damage roll on a miss, I will never roll that high again" and gets bumed out, I run fun games not games of being frustrated you didn't actually roll that.
bonus rant: the default of auto roll advantge, auto roll damage and whisper toggle off is the equivalent of starting to play a new game but both the vertical and horizontal controls are inverted.