Hi all, on any game I have set up before I have game settings "Allow Players to Import own Characters" set to "Yes". New game about to run in about 5 minutes and one player could not level up with 'mancer. Other players given control of token and they couldn't either. Charactermancer screens just didn't load in fully? As GM I had no problem. Tried disabling add-ons and using different browsers, cleared cache, restarted browsers, checked Javascript etc, all to no avail. Levelled up using GM account for now, so we are good to go, but I noticed on this game I had the import thing set to "No". Seems illogical, but could that be it? EDIT for clarity - I should add that as a GM I was able to use that player's PC to log in under my Roll20 account and use C'mancer properly, so it is definitely NOT local to that machine. When clicking NEXT as a player, the second screen showed his current class but had a "0" by default in HP and did not load any pic in the info screen to the right. Manually adding the HP and clicking NEXT then gave a screen where all the stats at the top were simply dashes and nothing seemed to have loaded in correctly. Sorry, but since we were rushing to get levelled up for our session I didn't screen shot, we just found the fastest fix and went with it. Any clues?