Hi Everyone, I was hoping someone might have some advice for a Bardic Inspiration/Mote of Potential macro. Right now I have a working macro that reminds the player that they have bardic inspiration and the current inspiration die. I also added a drop down menu that displays different Mote of Potential uses based on what the player wants to use the bardic inspiration for (ie, attack, saving throw, ability check). The macro works as intended except that I have to manual input the values for the spell save DC for the attack roll mote and charisma mod for the saving throw mote. I would like to see if I can have these values automatically update based on the character sheet, like it would for a normal feat description. This is my latest attempt using html code, but can't get it to display right: @{Kor Doomspear|wtype}&{template:traits} @{Kor Doomspear|charname_output}{{name=Bardic Inspiration}} {{source=Feat: }}{{description=Kor has inspired you with his Bardic Inspiration. The current die for Bardic Inspiration is a 1d[[{(round(@{Kor Doomspear|base_level}/5+0.5)*2)+4,12}kl1]]. **Note of Potential** ?{Note of Potential|Attack, **Attack Roll.** Immediately after the creature rolls the Bardic Inspiration die to add it to an attack roll against a target, the target and each creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a **Constitution** saving throw against spell save **DC @{Kor Doomspear|spell_save_dc} ** or take thunder damage equal to the number rolled on the Bardic Inspiration die.|Ability Check, **Ability Check.** When the creature rolls the Bardic Inspiration die to add it to an ability check, the creature can **roll the Bardic Inspiration die again** and choose which roll to use.|Saving Throw, **Saving Throw.** Immediately after the creature rolls the Bardic Inspiration die and adds it to a saving throw, the creature gains **temporary hit points** equal to the number rolled on **the Bardic Inspiration die** plus ** @{Kor Doomspear|charisma_mod} **.}}} I bolded the areas where I am having issues with the code. Sorry I didn't save it as code here since it would not display the html code. Any ideas?