So I prepared for my campaign by making all the monsters as NPC's, gave the token the macros for the attack, to my dismay the first time one of my little kobolds took damage they all took damage. Not sure that this is a problem with the sheet but with the copy function in roll 20... Today after I thought...hey I will duplicate the sheet rename them, but the values seem to be stored in the tokens as a reference to the main copy...its frustrating to have done all that work and not be able to dynamically create new implementations of the same NPC/Monster to run my combats with. Can we make a checkbox on token options so that additional copies can be instantiated as new token objects instead of referring to the one and only copy in memory please :). This would help immensly. The idea was to create the monster once and use it as different monsters throughout play...including several at the same time...any help out there...