We're starting up a campaign. Now is the perfect time to join! The moonlight is weakening and with it monsters of the night grow bold. Defend the villagers! Heroes are called as the search for the lunar light begins to wane. THE lunar light being the dragon that acts as the moon and protects the world from external threats. The Monsters are beginning to become more and more aggressive, villages have been massacred and the people are afraid. Beasts of the night have united and there is but one way to stop them find the Lunar Light and bring the moon back to the land. So heroes of the land come forth and help with the search and save the people of the land. Here's the listing:&nbsp; <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/363027/the-search-for-the-moon" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/363027/the-search-for-the-moon</a> Please note that this is a paid game at a rate of $15 per session. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.