yesterday i was DMing my Saturday group when an evil mage cast fireball
out of a room and into a cramped hallway where the PC's had taken cover i
rolled 5d8=29 HP or DC 13 dex save for half damage. Rogue (6, crit
fail) Wiz (11 failed) Cleric (7, crit fail) Fighter (in the room so was
out of line of sight and range of the blast) three of the four
PC's where hiding in the hallway and failed their saves, the fighter
ended up having to smack the mage down himself burning "Action Surge"
and spending the majority of his superiority dice to down the mage as
fast as possible, he lived with only 2 HP left. during the fight i could
have used Shield spell to block the fighters hits but i wanted him to
live so i didn't and basically ended up running a DerpMage so i didn't
TPW us. Later on after the fighter force fed some potions to the
group he ended up dying when bugbears ripped him apart and he failed his
first death save while the party was taking positions behind some
crates and barrels. the next round he rolled a natural 1 on his death
save... dying there on the spot.. i ruled that since they donated 50gp
to the Shrine of Luck in the previous town that... that natural 1 was
actually a natural 20... later that night the players asked if i had
"cheated" and made up the fireball near deaths because i was "RL friends
with the warrior" but then later saved my buddy when he was supposed to
die. what i want to know is there any way that i can fudge rolls
with math to show a Crit success or failure ( the red/green border on
[[ dice math ]] rolls) so i can throw the encounter in the players favor
when ye olde S***'ith hit'ith the fan. or to influence events.