There's a major new update out today for everyone. Here's the highlights: New Chat Commands We've introduced a few chat commands for you to use: /as and /emas (GM Only) These commands allows you to speak and emote "as" a character/NPC/whatever without having to create a Character entry in the Journal tab first. The syntax is: /as "Sir Bearington" I'm going to eat you for breakfast. /emas "Sir Bearington" charges at you! You can omit the quotes around the name if the name is just one word without any spaces. /desc (GM Only) This command allows you to put whatever text you want into the chat box, without it being spoken by anyone. It's shown centered, bolded, and italicized (similar to an emote, but not orange). It's intended to use as a GM description, but you could use it for about anything. Syntax: /desc The old house begins to creak and moan... /ooc or /o This command will always speak as your out-of-character display name (the first name in your "Speaking As" list), regardless of what you have selected in the Speaking As drop-down. Example: /ooc I could really use another Red Bull right now. Chat Avatars We've also just added little mini avatar icons to the chat. It will use the portrait image for the Character if you have the Character selected in the "Speaking As" dropdown, otherwise it will use your own avatar. Let us know if you like it! If you really hate it, there's an option under My Settings to uncheck called "Enable chat avatars". Dice/Rollable Tables
Weighted Rollable Tables: A "weight" metric has been added to the Rollable Table items. The default is 1. You can think of it as "number of times this item occurs in the table." You can also think of it as a percentage as long as all your weights add up to 100.
The rollable tables will now use the NAME converted to a NUMBER as the value for the roll. So if you put text in the box it's going to be "0" always. But if you put a number as the name of the item (e.g. "1" or "-1") it will correctly detect that and use that as the value when you roll. You can still use images/icons as well.
Dice results in the chat log have been slightly re-formatted. Now the result total will always appear on the line BELOW the individual rolls, and the font is larger so it's easier to quickly find/read. Also it now better supports rollable table items with really long names.
Dynamic Lighting
Dim Light Radius: There is an additional field for Dim Light in the token settings for Dynamic Lighting, next to the "Emits Light" box. The box on the left is now the "Light Radius" box (works the same as before). In addition you can now put an additional value in the right-hand box, and we'll use that as the radius at which the "Dim" part of the light should start. If you leave it blank it will just keep doing what it was doing before (which is for the Dim light to start at 75% of the total radius).
We've further improved the rendering performance of dynamic lighting in general.
Rendering/Graphical Auras are now rendered BELOW everything else on the same layer as the token. So if you have auras on your tokens on the Tokens/Objects layer, they will render below all other objects on that layer, but ABOVE the stuff on the map layer. Misc
The Chat Archive has been improved, it should now load more quickly. We're still working to improve this for campaigns that have a very large chat log. In addition, the Fog of War now renders before anything else (right after the canvas is cleared for a re-draw), so there should no longer be an issue where you can quickly pan around the map and see what's under the FoW before it has a chance to render.
Zoom has been further improved, especially when you do Alt+Mousewheel zoom.
Alt+Mousewheel zoom should now work in Firefox (previously it only worked in Safari/Chrome).
Plus I'm sure other stuff I forgot. Enjoy! Note: Rollable Tables and Dynamic Lighting features are only available to paid subscribers.