Well, i'm going into hard issues, but I assume, simple resolution when you know the syntax. This is a script I use in another section and it work perfectly, I wanted to do it, now, in a repeating section, and its gone wild : < script type = "text/worker" > //SCRIPT DISPLAY OR NOT EDIT DAMAGE ON ACTIONS SECTIONS on('sheet:opened change:actions-damagecheckbox', function (eventInfo) { console.log(eventInfo); getAttrs(['actions-damagecheckbox'], function (values) { const DamageEditable = parseInt(values['actions-damagecheckbox']) || 0; console.log('DamageEditable', DamageEditable); let button = $20('.sheet-editable-damage'); if (DamageEditable === 1) { button.addClass('edit_ok'); button.removeClass('edit_none'); } else { button.addClass('edit_none'); button.removeClass('edit_ok'); } }); }); </ script > So I've try things and the last thing I've try was... that, but nothing seems to work right and my brain will explode. What did I miss ? :/ < script type = "text/worker" > on('sheet:opened change:repeating_actions:actions-damagecheckbox remove:repeating_actions', function () { console.log(eventInfo); getSectionIDs('repeating_actions', function (ids) { ids.forEach(function (id) { getAttrs(['repeating_actions_${id}_actions-damagecheckbox'], function (values) { const IsDamageEditable = parseInt(values['repeating_actions_${id}_actions-damagecheckbox']) || 0; console.log('Damage Box', repeating_actions_${id}_actions-damagecheckbox); let button = $20('#repeating_actions_${id}.sheet-editable-damage'); if (IsDamageEditable === 1) { button.addClass('edit_ok'); button.removeClass('edit_none'); } else { button.addClass('edit_none'); button.removeClass('edit_ok'); } }); }); }); }); </ script >