So this is pretty simple and ingenious if I don't say so myself! Simply take the feature that let's you search for groups (find a group) but set it up for individual players were a player can list themselves, what games they are interested in, experience for said games, and what days and times they are currently available for! As well as any other information the player my wish to include, though it would probably follow the sights format of "name, age, gender, pronouns, experience, a bit about you and so on.
This can also be used for play groups to find new players as well as listing themselves! Doing this will speed up how long it takes for players to find groups and vice versa!
As a DM I have had players drop from groups before and it is such a chore to go and list your group and then look though all the applications and see who we like and that who deal. With this feature updated you can just search for players yourself