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May Roll20 Reserve | GM Starter Bundle (Map Pack)


Edited 1683039696
Roll20 Team
GM Starter Bundle by&nbsp; DeMartini Designs Nothing beats a campaign that utilizes striking consistently themed visuals throughout. DeMartini Designs is offering, for the first time, a curated Bundle featuring the following Map Packs:&nbsp; Bridge Over Troubled Waters Guildhall Tavern City Docks Summer Palace City Corner Sewers&nbsp; Create a mini adventure or expand an existing tale with more maps, the choice is yours! About GM Starter Bundle This Map Pack is perfect for GMs, first-time or experienced. It includes a variety of time-tested encounter locations (with and without grids), from ambushes on the roadside to smugglers in the sewers, plus taverns, docks, and grand halls. Each Map Pack contains variations such as day, night, seasons, weather, and empty versions with optional furnishings to allow you to tailor the experience for your players to your exact needs.&nbsp; How to Claim Navigate to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and click "Claim Now." After claiming, you will see a pop-up window verifying your claim.&nbsp; Enjoy!&nbsp; Accessing your Content Art Pack : You can access each Art Pack from the Bundle by visiting "My Marketplace Items" in your account dropdown, or under the Premium Assets section of the Art Library in-app.
why is this not working?

Edited 1683051464
Roll20 Team
Venelin D. said: why is this not working? Hmm. Everything is working as intended from what we can see. Feel free to submit a request with details of what's happening on your end and a member of our support team can give you a hand.&nbsp;
Venelin D. said: why is this not working? After clicking "Create Game" the Roll20 system does not create a game with the 5 map packs added on. I then went to add the 5 maps manually but they are not in my dropdown. It does say they are claimed. These are not modules, right?
Fiendish said: Venelin D. said: why is this not working? After clicking "Create Game" the Roll20 system does not create a game with the 5 map packs added on. I then went to add the 5 maps manually but they are not in my dropdown. It does say they are claimed. These are not modules, right? The first post explains that these are Art Packs and you can access them from the Premium Assets section of the Art Library in your games: jayme said: Accessing your Content Art Pack : You can access each Art Pack from the Bundle by visiting "My Marketplace Items" in your account dropdown, or under the Premium Assets section of the Art Library in-app.
You're right, my bad.
I have already claimed mine and they look amazing. Will they dissapear from my "marketplace purchases" after a month, or now that I have claimed them they will remain there forever?
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Remain there forever, so long as you claimed them.
Thanks mate
Yammer S. said: Where can I buy this? This is my first time seeing a post selling this starter and I'm actually amazed by it features. I can't wait to get my hands on this one! Since this is a Roll20 Reserve, it is only claimable for PRO Users at first. When the next Roll20 Reserve will be available this should be there in the marketplace for everyone to buy...
Yammer S. said: Where can I buy this? This is my first time seeing a post selling this starter and I'm actually amazed by it features. I can't wait to get my hands on this one! You can buy it here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Forum Champion
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I could certainly be wrong, but that account is likely spam.
keithcurtis said: I could certainly be wrong, but that account is likely spam. It does not look like it as there are no links to any other page and he seems interested in this product... And though he is not GM of any game here on Roll20 it does not mean that he is not part of any game... You can report him if you want, I don't see a reason to...
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I did not report, because it's only possible . There are a LOT of spambots that will post something innocuous and once it has flown under the radar, edit in a link at a later date. My suspicion was due to the ambiguous nature of the wording from a user who created their account on the same day, has exactly one post and no games. That's a very common indicator. But like I said, I could be wrong.
Correct me if I am wrong, but you only see the number of Campaigns he / she is GM for... not the ones he or she is in. Though you are right also just to the amount of hours spent... We will see... ^^ keithcurtis said: I did not report, because it's only possible . There are a LOT of spambots that will post something innocuous and once it has flown under the radar, edit in a link at a later date. My suspicion was due to the ambiguous nature of the wording from a user who created their account on the same day, has exactly one post and no games. That's a very common indicator. But like I said, I could be wrong.