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[LF Mod] Convert "Turn" order into a "Marching" Order, Lock Tokens and inform players' its their turn

So, I'm looking for a mod that will convert the "Turn Order" to a "Marching Order"  It will lock token movement, and prompt the players that they are able to move/take actions.  And if the player does move it will send them a message informing them that they have moved too far, or not enough. Also, on a turn order it will highlight squares that are acceptable movement targets. If a mod for this doesn't exist, is this something that is possible to do?  And might this be an easy mod to make? (For someone with very little mod building experience.) I'm also looking for perhaps a mod that I could use as a STREAM helper, with display.  Basically, I'd love to have it so my stream darkens the map and when its a player's turn it shows the map as visible from a specific character (using a dummy player/dummy account).  Using the SHIFT-L isn't exactly perfect, and would prevent me from doing anything else.
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Hi Toby! I believe the Observer mod script will do what you are talking about. Create a  Dummy Account , and the Observer script will place it as an additional controller for whichever token is at the top of the turn order. If you open a second tab that is logged in as the observer player, it will constantly update to show the vision of the character whose turn it is. For the larger question, you can do some of those things with off-the-shelf mods. Measuring movement might require some advanced skills when taking into account the necessity of moving around barriers, account for the different types of moving diagonals, moving through other character spaces, etc. If you simply wish to double check a token that just moved, you can select it and hit the "x" key to display its last move:
I have attempted to use the Observer Script before on a dummy account.  The only thing it did was aggrivate all of my players because it would change their (each players) dynamic lighting settings making everything black for them if wasn't their turn.  I suppose I wasn't using it properly.  I'll give it another look. Also, for highlighting squares that are acceptable to go to, could that not simply be done with the auras?  Why would that need complicated extra math.  Also, even if it does, I'd assume such work has already been created for such Scripts as SmartAoE, or Its a Trap, and the Teleporter Script?  Not that doing anything that interfaces with those would be a beginner script to create.