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UniversalVTTImporter - Import Problem - All my windows are doors - Request for help


Edited 1685740384
Hi, may I ask for some help please? I'm in a bit over my head. Bought these lovely maps for Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh that came with DungeonDraft source files.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Exported them from DungeonDraft to .dd2vtt files using the Roll20 presets&nbsp; and also exported new PNG maps at the same dpi.&nbsp; Ran it through&nbsp; Universal VTT Import Sanitizer and successfully imported the walls and lighting into my game.&nbsp; PROBLEM: all the windows are doors. I only purchased DungeonDraft to do this export, I don't know the app.&nbsp; Where do I look to solve this problem? Do the windows need to be flagged as windows somehow in DungeonDraft? Is there a flag I need to be using with !uvtt? Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance for any help and much gratitude to all the people who worked so hard to create these awesome tools.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
DungeonDraft doesn't make a distinction between windows and doors, so UniversalVTTImporter makes the assumption that closed portals are doors and open portals are windows. &nbsp;In DungeonDraft, you can select each window and set it to open, then export again and reimport to fix this. &nbsp;Otherwise, I can provide you a script to convert doors to windows by selecting them and running a command, but you'd have to do that after every import.&nbsp;
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I was able to rummage about a bit in Dungeondraft and now my windows import as windows. Much appreciated.&nbsp;
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Woot! Glad you got it working.

Edited 1692817971
In case anyone else comes across this. I did get windows to work importing from a dungeondraft uvtt, but I had to use "Window Frame" objects and set them to "Allow Light". Anything else was coming over as a closed door (albeit tiny doors...).&nbsp;
Oddly enough, I tried this on a second map and they were coming over as doors, even with the above settings. I changed them to Window Sills and they started working...
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
That's the way you have to do it.&nbsp; The UniversalVTT Format doesn't distinguish between doors and windows, so the only way for the script to tell what is a door and what is a window is based on the Closed property.&nbsp; Here is an example of a "door" and a "window" in the export: "portals": [ { "position": { "x": 4, "y": 6 }, "bounds": [ { "x": 4.392578, "y": 6 }, { "x": 3.607422, "y": 6 } ], "rotation": 3.141593, "closed": false, "freestanding": false }, { "position": { "x": 4, "y": 2 }, "bounds": [ { "x": 3.5, "y": 2 }, { "x": 4.5, "y": 2 } ], "rotation": 0, "closed": true, "freestanding": false } ], You can see the only difference between them is really that "closed" property is true for one (interpreted as a door by UniversalVTTImporter) and the other is false (interpreted as a window by UniversalVTTImporter). I'll update the documentation because somehow, that seems to have not made it into it!?&nbsp; Thanks for pointing it out!