lol. OK, I see it now, thanks. "There is an additional field for Dim Light in the token settings for Dynamic Lighting, next to the "Emits Light" box. The box on the left is now the "Light Radius" box (works the same as before). In addition you can now put an additional value in the right-hand box, and we'll use that as the radius at which the "Dim" part of the light should start. If you leave it blank it will just keep doing what it was doing before (which is for the Dim light to start at 75% of the total radius)." That explains the wording. Where the label says 'optional dim light radius' it means 'optional starting radius of the dim light'. However, I hope this thread shows why that choice of words coupled with the word 'full' in the first part of the label is confusing. If one part of the light is 'dim' then we expect the word 'full' to refer to brightness, not extent.