So, all of the posts regarding this sheet are quite old and I don't think it's been touched since about three years ago. Doesn't look like many players ever used these sheets but I am intriuged by the game system and started taking a crack at it. The sheet is lovely and much appreciation goes out to the sheet author who created it. I've found several errors on this sheet that appear to be long standing issues and I added it as a custom sheet to my game so I could fix a few rather small errors that come with the package. For example; Line 1434 reads value="&{template:sofai} {{input=**@{character_name} tests Will (Dedication)!** \n\n [[ ( [[ @{will} + @{willDedication} + ?{Bonus Dice|0} ]] )d6[[ @{willDedication} + ?{Bonus Dice|0} + @{wounds} + ?{Penalty Dice|0} ]] - @{injuries} - @{fatigue} ]] }}" data-i18n="dedication">Dedication</button> it should read; value="&{template:sofai} {{input=**@{character_name} tests Will (Dedication)!** \n\n [[ ( [[ @{will} + @{willDedication} + ?{Bonus Dice|0} ]] )d6 dl [[ @{willDedication} + ?{Bonus Dice|0} + @{wounds} + ?{Penalty Dice|0} ]] - @{injuries} - @{fatigue} ]] }}" data-i18n="dedication">Dedication</button> Line 1773 has a movement error value =" @{baseMovement} + floor(@{athleticsRun}/2) - (@{bulk}/2) " disabled =" true " > It is generating .5 from the bulk and giving incorrect information when it calculates I changed it to; value="@{baseMovement} + floor(@{athleticsRun}/2) - floor(@{bulk}/2)" disabled="true"> and this seems to give the correct output Line 513 value='&{template:sofai} {{input=**@{character_name} tests Deception!** \n\n [[ ( [[ @{deception} + ?{Bonus Dice|0} ]] )d6dl[[ ?{Bonus Dice|0} + @{wounds} + ?{Penalty Dice|0} ]] - @{injuries} - @{fatigue} ]] }}'><label Doesn't calculate a frustration penalty so I changed it to read value='&{template:sofai} {{input=**@{character_name} tests Deception!** \n\n [[ ( [[ @{deception} + ?{Bonus Dice|0} -@{selected|frustration} ]] )d6dl[[ ?{Bonus Dice|0} + @{wounds} + ?{Penalty Dice|0} ]] - @{injuries} - @{fatigue} ]] }}'><label Line 991 has the same issue with the Persuasion roll, it's missing the frustration section. So even though I am a novice coder I have been able to fix this much on this sheet but this won't help anyone that might wish to use this sheet in the future so hence why I decided to post this. There are still issues on this sheet that are beyond me, on the Character & Details tab there is a section for experience. The spent experience doesn't calculate and after looking at the code it appears as though that portion of the sheet was never completed. Ideally, it should total the spent experience from the repeating sections below it, but I cannot for the life of me fathom how to get the sum of repeating attributes. Does this require a sheet worker? That is entirely above my pay grade. So yeah, it's not a huge deal and can easily be ignored in favor of using another manner of record keeping for experience, but it would be nice to know for sure that I am not missing something utterly easy to fix this. Finally, the last issue I see on this sheet is the Armies tab. There is a single army card there and it appears to me that this section of the sheet is unfinished. Much of the code is in French and while understandable to a degree, it clued me in that its possible this card is merely a placeholder for future expansion that was never completed. Ideally, the army card should have a +add button below it to make more cards and the ability buttons on the card should be rollable. They are buttons, but there doesn't appear to be any roll calculations programmed into them. Sorry this was long winded, but if anyone takes an interest in this I would appreciate any advice or assistance I can get to ensure at least my custom version of this sheet is game playable, and hopefully... entirely workable at some point. TIA for any input on this topic.