Hello guys, I'm a new DM, who just went on summer break (I'm a teacher). I've been wanting to try out DMing, so I'm trying to run different sessions of different 5e games. All of my offerings are either mini-campaigns(3-5 sessions or One-Shots)
Right now, I have a Sunless Citadel Mini-Campaign that's almost been completely remixed, it's on Saturday at 11:AM EST. It needs another 2 people to start. There's also a session of that mini-campaign on Tuesday at the same time.
If One-shots are more your thing, I'm running Madness of the Rat King next Thursday at 3 and next Saturday at the same time.
The one-shots expect mostly combat with some storytelling.
The Mini-campaigns, it's a mix of combat, roleplay, and puzzles.
Message me if you have any further questions. I am open to different times to run games.