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Anchor Links in Journal Entries

I am trying to figure out the "Anchor" section of the Insert link functionality on the Journal entries. I am hoping that I can use this to jump to certain parts of an entry. I don't see any information on this on the wiki.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
You can put the name of the journal item you want to link to in square brackets like this: [Bob's Fish Market] to get a link to the Journal item. this works for characters and handouts. It's covered in a little section at the end of Journals in the wiki: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Hope that helps!
Roll20 Team
You presently can't create anchor links within the same journal entry. HTML tags get stripped. If you have a lot of text to cover, you might want to split it into several journal entries and then link between them via the above method that Aaron mentioned.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Oh! Totally misunderstood what the OP was asking for! Thanks Kristin!
Thanks Kristin, I was hoping that the presence of the option in the menu was evidence that it could be done. I am certainly able to make the links, there are just a few situations where it would have been a lot more efficient to have the anchors. Oh Well.