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Token size and the snap

I know its been brought up before but I am having a problem. sometimes I get a token and I don't like the size so I resize it to where I like...making gnomes and halflings out of there full sized counterparts for example. the problem is I can center the token and when a player moves it it places it in the top left corner of the square...I have noticed that if I make the token a drawing however this dosen't happen it keeps its relative space in the square...but you loose the functionality of it being a proper no status markers HP bubbles ect. I want a way to resize a token and placing it in the square and it remeber its position in that square...any there something I do not know that may fix this... thanks
There's no way to do that since natively, tokens only snap to the corner. You can get around this by taking the token image into Photoshop or GIMP and setting it on a transparent square background with the actual token centered, and then save it as a PNG.
wish this was a feature in game...I don't see the logic in forcing a snap to the corner...they should just make tokens snap like is drawing...
You may already know this, but holding down Alt while moving turns off the snap. Of course, your players will have to get used to doing that too. Until then you'll be going behind them repositioning all the time...