Ok, my google-fu is failing me at the moment :( I am looking for a method to read the Notes and GMNotes from a handout. I have found how to create a handout and populate the fields, but not how to read the fields. My use case is this... I have purchased the C&C Monsters and Treasure Compendium, but everything is a handout and you can't drag/drop to the map, makes me sad... So, I have some scripts I made already that had embedded JSON that I formatted in Excel, these would make a character sheet then enter the appropriate data into it's attributes and notes. What I want to do now is similar, but different ;) I would have a game setup that I would open/save the handout from the compendium which will put it into the journal, then run a script reading the Notes so I can create the character sheet entry for it, and finally I can transmogrify them as needed to an active game. I want to run a script on these handouts to extract the data and build the character sheet with that. Simple, except... how the heck do I read the Notes of the handout??? One other thing I would want to do is to get the URL of the image and load it to the character sheet portrait. Then, I still don't think there is a way in the API to load images from URL into the library, please correct me if I am wrong, so it will let me make a list of images to download, then I can add to a library from there manually. Thanks in advance!